table of contents
Genome::Model::Tools::Music::Bmr::CalcWigCovg(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Genome::Model::Tools::Music::Bmr::CalcWigCovg(3pm) |
); }
sub _doc_authors {
return " Cyriac Kandoth, Ph.D."; }
sub _doc_see_also {
return <<EOS genome-music-bmr(1), genome-music(1),
genome(1) EOS }
sub execute {
my $self = shift;
my $roi_file =
my $ref_seq =
my $wig_list =
my $output_dir =
# Check on all the input data before starting work print STDERR "ROI file not found or is empty: $roi_file\n" unless( -s $roi_file ); print STDERR "Reference sequence file not found: $ref_seq\n" unless( -e $ref_seq ); print STDERR "List of WIGs not found or is empty: $wig_list\n" unless( -s $wig_list ); print STDERR "Output directory not found: $output_dir\n" unless( -e $output_dir ); return undef unless( -s $roi_file && -e $ref_seq && -s $wig_list && -e $output_dir ); # Outputs of this script will be written to these locations in the output directory $output_dir =~ s/(\/)+$//; # Remove trailing forward slashes if any my $roi_covg_dir = "$output_dir/roi_covgs"; # Stores output from calcRoiCovg per sample my $gene_covg_dir = "$output_dir/gene_covgs"; # Stores per-gene coverages per sample my $tot_covg_file = "$output_dir/total_covgs"; # Stores total coverages per sample # If the reference sequence FASTA file hasn't been indexed, do it my $ref_seq_idx = "$ref_seq.fai"; unless( -e $ref_seq_idx ) { print "Reference fasta index not found. Creating one at: $ref_seq.fai\n"; system( "samtools faidx $ref_seq" ) or die "Failed to run samtools! $!\n"; } # Create a temporary 0-based ROI BED-file that we can use with joinx, and also measure gene lengths my %geneLen = (); my $roi_bed = Genome::Sys->create_temp_file_path(); my $roiBedFh = IO::File->new( $roi_bed, ">" ) or die "Temporary ROI BED file could not be created. $!\n"; my $roiFh = IO::File->new( $roi_file ) or die "ROI file could not be opened. $!\n"; while( my $line = $roiFh->getline ) { chomp( $line ); my ( $chr, $start, $stop, $gene ) = split( /\t/, $line ); --$start; unless( $start >= 0 && $start < $stop ) { print STDERR "Invalid ROI: $line\nPlease use 1-based loci and ensure that start <= stop\n"; return undef; } $geneLen{$gene} += ( $stop - $start ); $roiBedFh->print( "$chr\t$start\t$stop\t$gene\n" ); } $roiFh->close; $roiBedFh->close; # Also create a merged BED file where overlapping ROIs are joined together into contiguous regions # ::TODO:: Use joinx instead of mergeBed, because we'd rather add an in-house dependency my $merged_roi_bed = Genome::Sys->create_temp_file_path(); system( "mergeBed -i $roi_bed | joinx sort -s - -o $merged_roi_bed" );# or die "Failed to run mergeBed or joinx!\n$roi_bed\n$merged_roi_bed\n $!\n"; # Create the output directories unless they already exist mkdir $roi_covg_dir unless( -e $roi_covg_dir ); mkdir $gene_covg_dir unless( -e $gene_covg_dir ); # This is a file that will report the overall non-overlapping coverages per WIG my $totCovgFh = IO::File->new( $tot_covg_file, ">" ); $totCovgFh->print( "#Sample\tCovered_Bases\tAT_Bases_Covered\tCG_Bases_Covered\tCpG_Bases_Covered\n" ); # Parse through each pair of WIG files provided and run calcRoiCovg as necessary my $wigFh = IO::File->new( $wig_list ); while( my $line = $wigFh->getline ) { next if( $line =~ m/^#/ ); chomp( $line ); my ( $sample, $wig_file ) = split( /\t/, $line ); $wig_file = '' unless( defined $wig_file ); print STDERR "Wiggle track format file for $sample not found: \"$wig_file\"\n" unless( -e $wig_file ); next unless( -e $wig_file ); # Use joinx to parse the WIG file and return per-ROI coverages of AT, CG (non-CpG), and CpG system( "joinx wig2bed -Zc $wig_file | joinx sort -s | joinx intersect -F \"I A3\" $roi_bed - | joinx ref-stats - $ref_seq | cut -f 1-7 > $roi_covg_dir/$sample.covg" );# or die "Failed to run joinx to calculate per-gene coverages in $sample! $!\n"; # Read the joinx formatted coverage file and count covered bases per gene my %geneCovg = (); my $roiCovgFh = IO::File->new( "$roi_covg_dir/$sample.covg" ); while( my $line = $roiCovgFh->getline ) { chomp( $line ); if( $line !~ m/^#/ ) { my ( undef, undef, undef, $gene, $at_covd, $cg_covd, $cpg_covd ) = split( /\t/, $line ); $geneCovg{$gene}{covd} += ( $at_covd + $cg_covd + $cpg_covd ); $geneCovg{$gene}{at} += $at_covd; $geneCovg{$gene}{cg} += $cg_covd; $geneCovg{$gene}{cpg} += $cpg_covd; } } $roiCovgFh->close; # Write the per-gene coverages to a file named after this sample_name my $geneCovgFh = IO::File->new( "$gene_covg_dir/$sample.covg", ">" ); $geneCovgFh->print( "#Gene\tLength\tCovered\tAT_covd\tCG_covd\tCpG_covd\n" ); foreach my $gene ( sort keys %geneLen ) { if( defined $geneCovg{$gene} ) { $geneCovgFh->print( join( "\t", $gene, $geneLen{$gene}, $geneCovg{$gene}{covd}, $geneCovg{$gene}{at}, $geneCovg{$gene}{cg}, $geneCovg{$gene}{cpg} ), "\n" ); } else { $geneCovgFh->print( "$gene\t" . $geneLen{$gene} . "\t0\t0\t0\t0\n" ); } } $geneCovgFh->close; # Measure coverage stats on the merged ROI file, so that bps across the genome are not counted twice my $merged_roi_bed_covg = Genome::Sys->create_temp_file_path(); system( "joinx wig2bed -Zc $wig_file | joinx sort -s | joinx intersect $merged_roi_bed - | joinx ref-stats - $ref_seq | cut -f 1-6 > $merged_roi_bed_covg" );# or die "Failed to run joinx to calculate overall coverages in $sample! $!\n"; # Read the joinx formatted coverage file and sum up the coverage stats per region my ( $tot_covd, $tot_at_covd, $tot_cg_covg, $tot_cpg_covd ); my $totRoiCovgFh = IO::File->new( $merged_roi_bed_covg ); while( my $line = $totRoiCovgFh->getline ) { chomp( $line ); if( $line !~ m/^#/ ) { my ( $chr, $start, $stop, $at_covd, $cg_covd, $cpg_covd ) = split( /\t/, $line ); $tot_covd += ( $at_covd + $cg_covd + $cpg_covd ); $tot_at_covd += $at_covd; $tot_cg_covg += $cg_covd; $tot_cpg_covd += $cpg_covd; } } $totRoiCovgFh->close; $totCovgFh->print( "$sample\t$tot_covd\t$tot_at_covd\t$tot_cg_covg\t$tot_cpg_covd\n" ); } $wigFh->close; $totCovgFh->close; return 1; }
2020-11-06 | perl v5.30.3 |