'\" t .\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "lacme-accountd" "1" "March 2016" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP lacme-accountd - ACME client written with process isolation and minimal privileges in mind (account key manager) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] [\f[V]--config=FILENAME\f[R]] [\f[V]--privkey=ARG\f[R]] [\f[V]--socket=PATH\f[R]] [\f[V]--quiet\f[R]] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] is the account key manager component of \f[V]lacme\f[R](8), a small ACME client written with process isolation and minimal privileges in mind. No other \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) component needs access to the account key; in fact the account key could as well be stored on another host or a smartcard. .PP \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] binds to a UNIX-domain socket (specified with \f[V]--socket=\f[R]), which ACME clients can connect to in order to request data signatures. As a consequence, \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] needs to be up and running before using \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) to issue ACME commands. Also, the process does not automatically terminate after the last signature request: instead, one sends an \f[V]INT\f[R] or \f[V]TERM\f[R] \f[V]signal\f[R](7) to bring the server down. .PP Furthermore, one can use the UNIX-domain socket forwarding facility of OpenSSH 6.7 and later to run \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] and \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) on different hosts. For instance one could store the account key on a machine that is not exposed to the internet. See the \f[B]examples\f[R] section below. .SH OPTIONS .TP \f[V]--config=\f[R]\f[I]filename\f[R] Use \f[I]filename\f[R] as configuration file instead of \f[V]%E/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf\f[R]. The value is subject to %-specifier expansion. \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] fails when \f[V]--config=\f[R] is used with a non-existent file, but a non-existent default location is treated as if it were an empty file. .RS .PP See the \f[B]configuration file\f[R] section below for the configuration options. .RE .TP \f[V]--privkey=\f[R]\f[I]value\f[R] Specify the (private) account key to use for signing requests. Currently supported \f[I]value\f[R]s are: .RS .IP \[bu] 2 \f[V]file:\f[R]\f[I]FILE\f[R], for a private key in PEM format (optionally symmetrically encrypted) .IP \[bu] 2 \f[V]gpg:\f[R]\f[I]FILE\f[R], for a \f[V]gpg\f[R](1)-encrypted private key .PP \f[I]FILE\f[R] is subject to %-specifier expansion. .PP The \f[V]genpkey\f[R](1ssl) command can be used to generate a new private (account) key: .IP .nf \f[C] $ install -vm0600 /dev/null /path/to/account.key $ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /path/to/account.key \f[R] .fi .PP Currently \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] only supports RSA account keys. .RE .TP \f[V]--socket=\f[R]\f[I]path\f[R] Use \f[I]path\f[R] as the UNIX-domain socket to bind to for signature requests from the ACME client. The value is subject to %-specifier expansion. \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] aborts if \f[I]path\f[R] exists or if its parent directory is writable by other users. Default: \f[V]%t/S.lacme\f[R] (omitting \f[V]--socket=\f[R] therefore yields an error when \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] doesn\[cq]t run as and the \f[V]XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\f[R] environment variable is unset or empty). .TP \f[V]--stdio\f[R] Read signature requests from the standard input and write signatures to the standard output, instead of using a UNIX-domain socket for communication with the ACME client. This \f[I]internal\f[R] flag should never be used by standalone \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] instances, only for those \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) spawns. .TP \f[V]-h\f[R], \f[V]--help\f[R] Display a brief help and exit. .TP \f[V]-q\f[R], \f[V]--quiet\f[R] Be quiet. .TP \f[V]--debug\f[R] Turn on debug mode. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE .PP When given on the command line, the \f[V]--privkey=\f[R], \f[V]--socket=\f[R] and \f[V]--quiet\f[R] options take precedence over their counterpart (without leading \f[V]--\f[R]) in the configuration file. Valid settings are: .TP \f[I]privkey\f[R] See \f[V]--privkey=\f[R]. This setting is required when \f[V]--privkey=\f[R] is not specified on the command line. .TP \f[I]gpg\f[R] For a \f[V]gpg\f[R](1)-encrypted private account key, specify the binary \f[V]gpg\f[R](1) to use, as well as some default options. Default: \f[V]gpg --quiet\f[R]. .TP \f[I]socket\f[R] See \f[V]--socket=\f[R]. .TP \f[I]logfile\f[R] An optional file where to log to. The value is subject to %-specifier expansion. .TP \f[I]keyid\f[R] The \[lq]Key ID\[rq], as shown by \f[V]\[ga]acme account\[ga]\f[R], to give the ACME client. With an empty \f[I]keyid\f[R] (the default) the client forwards the JSON Web Key (JWK) to the ACME server to retrieve the correct value. A non-empty value therefore saves a round-trip. .RS .PP A non-empty value also causes \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] to send an empty JWK, thereby revoking all account management access (status change, contact address updates etc.) from the client: any \f[V]\[ga]acme account\[ga]\f[R] command (or any command from \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) before version 0.8.0) is bound to be rejected by the ACME server. This provides a safeguard against malicious clients. .RE .TP \f[I]quiet\f[R] Be quiet. Possible values: \f[V]Yes\f[R]/\f[V]No\f[R]. .SH %-SPECIFIERS .PP The value the \f[V]--config=\f[R], \f[V]--privkey=\f[R] and \f[V]--socket=\f[R] CLI options (and also the \f[I]privkey\f[R], \f[I]socket\f[R] and \f[I]logfile\f[R] settings from the configuration file) are subject to %-expansion for the following specifiers. .PP .TS tab(@); lw(5.8n) lw(64.2n). T{ \f[V]%C\f[R] T}@T{ \f[V]/var/cache\f[R] for the root user, and \f[V]$XDG_CACHE_HOME\f[R] for other users (or \f[V]$HOME/.cache\f[R] if the \f[V]XDG_CACHE_HOME\f[R] environment variable is unset or empty). T} T{ \f[V]%E\f[R] T}@T{ \f[V]/etc\f[R] for the root user, and \f[V]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R] for other users (or \f[V]$HOME/.config\f[R] if the \f[V]XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R] environment variable is unset or empty). T} T{ \f[V]%g\f[R] T}@T{ Current group name. T} T{ \f[V]%G\f[R] T}@T{ Current group ID. T} T{ \f[V]%h\f[R] T}@T{ Home directory of the current user. T} T{ \f[V]%t\f[R] T}@T{ \f[V]/run\f[R] for the root user, and \f[V]$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\f[R] for other users. Non-root users may only use \f[V]%t\f[R] when the \f[V]XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\f[R] environment variable is set to a non-empty value. T} T{ \f[V]%T\f[R] T}@T{ \f[V]$TMPDIR\f[R], or \f[V]/tmp\f[R] if the \f[V]TMPDIR\f[R] environment variable is unset or empty. T} T{ \f[V]%u\f[R] T}@T{ Current user name. T} T{ \f[V]%U\f[R] T}@T{ Current user ID. T} T{ \f[V]%%\f[R] T}@T{ A literal \f[V]%\f[R]. T} .TE .SH EXAMPLES .PP Run \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] in a first terminal: .IP .nf \f[C] $ lacme-accountd --privkey=file:/path/to/account.key --socket=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme \f[R] .fi .PP Then, while \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] is running, execute locally \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) in another terminal: .IP .nf \f[C] $ sudo lacme --socket=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme newOrder \f[R] .fi .PP Alternatively, use OpenSSH 6.7 or later to forward the socket and execute \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) remotely: .IP .nf \f[C] $ ssh -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -tt -R /path/to/remote.sock:$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme user\[at]example.org \[rs] sudo lacme --socket=/path/to/remote.sock newOrder \f[R] .fi .PP Consult the \f[V]lacme\f[R](8) manual for a solution involving connecting to \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] on a dedicated remote host. Doing so enables automatic renewal via \f[V]crontab\f[R](5) or \f[V]systemd.timer\f[R](5). .SH BUGS AND FEEDBACK .PP Bugs or feature requests for \f[V]lacme-accountd\f[R] should be filed with the Debian project\[cq]s bug tracker at . .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[V]lacme\f[R](8), \f[V]ssh\f[R](1) .SH AUTHORS Guilhem Moulin (mailto:guilhem@fripost.org).