.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.16. .TH KMA "1" "July 2021" "kma 1.3.23" "User Commands" .SH NAME kma \- maps and/or aligns raw reads to a template database .SH DESCRIPTION .IP KMA\-1.3.23 maps and/or aligns raw reads to a template database. .TP Options: Desc: Default: .IP Input: .TP \fB\-i\fR Single end input(s) stdin .TP \fB\-ipe\fR Paired end input(s) .TP \fB\-int\fR Interleaved input(s) .IP Output: .TP \fB\-o\fR Output prefix .TP \fB\-ef\fR Output additional features False .TP \fB\-vcf\fR Output vcf file, 2 to apply FT False .TP \fB\-sam\fR Output sam, 4/2096 for mapped/aligned False .TP \fB\-nc\fR No consensus file False .TP \fB\-nc\fR No aln file False .TP \fB\-nf\fR No frag file False .TP \fB\-matrix\fR Output assembly matrix False .TP \fB\-a\fR Output all template mappings False .TP \fB\-and\fR Use both mrs and p\-value on consensus or .TP \fB\-oa\fR Use neither mrs or p\-value on consensus False .IP Consensus: .TP \fB\-bc\fR Minimum support to call bases 0 .TP \fB\-bcNano\fR Altered indel calling for ONT data False .TP \fB\-bcd\fR Minimum depth to cal bases 1 .TP \fB\-bcg\fR Maintain insignificant gaps False .TP \fB\-ID\fR Minimum consensus ID 1.0% .TP \fB\-dense\fR Skip insertion in consensus False .TP \fB\-ref_fsa\fR Use n's on indels False .IP General: .TP \fB\-t_db\fR Template DB .TP \fB\-p\fR P\-value 0.05 .TP \fB\-shm\fR Use DB in shared memory 0 .TP \fB\-mmap\fR Memory map *.comp.b False .TP \fB\-tmp\fR Set directory for temporary files .TP \fB\-t\fR Number of threads 1 .TP \fB\-status\fR Extra status False .TP \fB\-verbose\fR Extra verbose False .TP \fB\-c\fR Citation .TP \fB\-v\fR Version .TP \fB\-h\fR Shows this help message .IP Template mapping: .TP \fB\-ConClave\fR ConClave version 1 .TP \fB\-mem_mode\fR Base ConClave on template mappings False .TP \fB\-proxi\fR Proximity scoring (negative for soft) False/1.0 .TP \fB\-ex_mode\fR Searh kmers exhaustively False .TP \fB\-deCon\fR Remove contamination False .TP \fB\-Sparse\fR Only count kmers False .TP \fB\-ss\fR Sparse sorting (q,c,d) q .TP \fB\-Mt1\fR Map everything to one template False/0 .TP \fB\-pm\fR Pairing method (p,u,f) u .TP \fB\-1t1\fR One query to one template False .TP \fB\-hmm\fR Use a HMM to assign template(s) True .TP \fB\-ck\fR Count k\-mers over pseudo alignment False .IP Chaining: .TP \fB\-k\fR K\-mersize DB defined .TP \fB\-ts\fR Trim front of seeds 0 .TP \fB\-ssa\fR Seeds soround alignments False .TP \fB\-ex_mode\fR Searh kmers exhaustively False .TP \fB\-fpm\fR Pairing method (p,u,f) u .TP \fB\-mq\fR Minimum mapping quality 0 .IP Alignment: .TP \fB\-ca\fR Circular alignments False .TP \fB\-mrs\fR Minimum relative alignment score 0.5 .TP \fB\-mrc\fR Minimum query coverage 0.0 .TP \fB\-ml\fR Minimum alignment length 16 .TP \fB\-reward\fR Score for match 1 .TP \fB\-penalty\fR Penalty for mismatch 2 .TP \fB\-gapopen\fR Penalty for gap opening 3 .TP \fB\-gapextend\fR Penalty for gap extension 1 .TP \fB\-per\fR Reward for pairing reads 7 .TP \fB\-Npenalty\fR Penalty matching N 0 .TP \fB\-transition\fR Penalty for transition 2 .TP \fB\-transversion\fR Penalty for transversion 2 .TP \fB\-sasm\fR Skip alignment False .IP Trimming: .TP \fB\-mp\fR Minimum phred score 20 .TP \fB\-eq\fR Minimum avg. quality score 0 .TP \fB\-5p\fR Trim 5 prime 0 .TP \fB\-3p\fR Trim 3 prime 0 .TP \fB\-ml\fR Minimum length 16 .TP \fB\-xl\fR Maximum length on se 2147483647 .TP \fB\-boot\fR Bootstrap sub\-sequence False .IP Presets: .TP \fB\-apm\fR Sets both pm and fpm u .TP \fB\-cge\fR Set CGE penalties and rewards False .TP \fB\-mint2\fR Set 2ng gen Mintyper preset False .TP \fB\-mint3\fR Set 3rd gen Mintyper preset False .SH AUTHOR This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.