.TH KEL-AGENT 1 .SH NAME kel-agent \- translates between amateur radio programs and WebSockets .SH SYNOPSIS .B kel-agent [\fB\-host\fR \fIhost:port\fR] [\fB\-cert\fR \fIcertfile\fR \fB\-key\fR \fIkeyfile\fR] [\fB\-origins\fR \fI"http://origin1"\fR[\fI,"http://origin2"\fR...]] [\fB\-v\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B kel-agent translates between various amateur radio installed programs and WebSockets. This allows amateur radio web applications to access rig control and digital mode APIs which are only available over TCP, UDP or by watching local files. \fIWSJT-X\fR is currently supported, with planned support for \fIrigctld\fR and \fIHam Radio Deluxe\fR. .PP .B kel-agent was built to support https://github.com/k0swe/kellog but can be used by any web application that needs to communicate with amateur radio installed programs. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-host =\fIhost:port\fR Set the websocket server hosting address. Default is \fIlocalhost:8081\fR. .TP .BR \-cert =\fIcertfile\fR \ \fB\-key\fR =\fIkeyfile\fR Set the websocket server TLS certificate and private key. These are only necessary when serving beyond localhost. .TP .BR -origins =\fI"http://origin1","http://origin2"\fR Set which CORS origins (basically, which websites) should be allowed to access the WebSocket server. Default is \fI"https://log.k0swe.radio"\fR plus some localhost development origins. .TP .BR -v Enable verbose debug logging. .SH EXAMPLE When running your web application and browser on the same computer as your ham radio programs, no \fBkel-agent\fR options are needed. This is straightforward, safe and the default. .PP $ \fBkel-agent\fR .PP If a different hosting port than 8081 is required, use the \fB-host\fR option. .PP $ \fBkel-agent -host\fR=\fIlocalhost:5001\fR .PP It's also possible to run your ham radio programs and \fBkel-agent\fR on one computer, and your web browser and web app on another. This is more complex to secure. I refer you to the GitHub repository for up-to-date documentation. .SH SEE ALSO \(bu https://github.com/k0swe/kel-agent \(bu https://github.com/k0swe/kellog