.TH RectComp 3U "22 January 1991" "Unidraw" "InterViews Reference Manual" .SH NAME RectComp, RectView, PSRect \- rectangle component subject, view, and PostScript external representation .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .SH DESCRIPTION RectComp is a GraphicComp that defines a rectangle. It uses an SF_Rect graphic to store its graphical attributes. RectView is a GraphicView for displaying the rectangle. PSRect is a PostScriptView that externalizes the subject's information in PostScript form. .SH RECTCOMP PUBLIC OPERATIONS .TP .B "RectComp(SF_Rect* = nil)" The constructor takes an optional stroked-filled rectangle that defines the attributes of the rectangle. .TP .B "SF_Rect* GetRect()" Return the SF_Rect graphic that defines the rectangle's attributes. GetRect is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation. .SH RECTVIEW PUBLIC OPERATIONS .TP .B "RectView(RectComp* = nil)" Create an RectView, optionally supplying the subject. .TP .B "virtual void Interpret(Command*)" RectView interprets AlignToGridCmd to align its lower-left to the grid. .TP .B "virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator(" .ns .TP .B " Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool*" .ns .TP .B ")" .ns .TP .B "virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*)" RectView redefines its response to manipulation with a GraphicCompTool. GraphicCompTool will let the user sweep out a rectangle that reflects the RectComp's size. Creation will be influenced by gravity, if any. RectView also defines a response to the ReshapeTool, allowing the user to click on one of its corners to reposition it. The subject is actually replaced (via ReplaceCmd) with a PolygonComp subject reflecting the repositioned corner. Repositioning will be influenced by gravity. .TP .B "virtual void GetCorners(Coord*, Coord*)" GetCorners takes two arrays of four Coord values and stores into them the coordinates of its corners, in canvas coordinates. .TP .B "RectComp* GetRectComp()" Return the subject. .SH RECTVIEW PROTECTED OPERATIONS .TP .B "virtual void CreateHandles()" RectView redefines CreateHandles to use a RubberHandles object with four handles, one at each corner of the rectangle. .SH PSRECT PUBLIC OPERATIONS .TP .B "PSRect(RectComp* = nil)" Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any. .SH SEE ALSO GraphicComp(3U), GraphicCompTool(3U), GraphicView(3U), Grid(3U), PolygonComp(3U), PostScriptView(3U), ReshapeTool(3U), align(3U), edit(3U), polygons(3U)