.TH ControlInfo 3U "20 November 1990" "Unidraw" "InterViews Reference Manual" .SH NAME ControlInfo \- object for storing control-related information .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .SH DESCRIPTION A ControlInfo object stores information from which to build a Control for executing a command or engaging the current tool. The ControlInfo object is stored with the command or tool, thus providing all the information necessary to recreate the interface when the command or tool is retrieved from disk through a catalog. The ControlInfo object also defines the mapping between a keycode and a UControl instance to support keyboard equivalents via the KeyMap class. .SH PUBLIC OPERATIONS .TP .B "ControlInfo(" .ns .TP .B " GraphicComp* label, const char* keylabel = ``''," .ns .TP .B " const char* keycode = ``'', void* owner = nil" .ns .TP .B ")" .ns .TP .B "ControlInfo(" .ns .TP .B " const char* label , const char* = ``''," .ns .TP .B " const char* = ``'', void* = nil .ns .TP .B ")" .br Create a new ControlInfo instance, supplying either a GraphicComp or a character string to define its label's appearance. The \fIlabel\fP parameter is an iconic or textual cue that a control displays to identify the command or tool it activates. The \fIkeylabel\fP parameter specifies a string to be displayed in the control that identifies the control's keyboard equivalent, while the \fIkeycode\fP parameter defines the mapping between a keyboard event and the ControlInfo. Finally, the \fIowner\fP parameter specifies the command or tool instance to which the ControlInfo object corresponds. .TP .B "void SetLabel(GraphicComp*)" .ns .TP .B "void SetLabel(const char*)" .ns .TP .B "void SetKeyLabel(const char*)" .ns .TP .B "void SetKeyCode(const char*)" .ns .TP .B "void SetOwner(void*)" .TP .B "GraphicComp* GetLabel()" .ns .TP .B "const char* GetKeyLabel()" .ns .TP .B "const char* GetKeyCode()" .ns .TP .B "void* GetOwner()" Explicitly set or get a constructor-specified parameter. The Set operations delete the value they replace if it is different from the given one. The string setting operations copy their arguments. .TP .B "virtual ControlInfo* Copy()" Return a copy of this ControlInfo object, copying its constituent members. .SH SEE ALSO Catalog(3U), Command(3U), KeyMap(3U), Tool(3U), UControl(3U), uctrls(3U)