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ipmctl-run-diagnostic - Runs a diagnostic test


ipmctl start [OPTIONS] -diagnostic (Quick|Config|Security|FW) -dimm(DIMMIDs)


Runs a diagnostic test.


-h, -help

Displays help for the command.

-o (text|nvmxml), -output (text|nvmxml)

Changes the output format. One of: "text" (default) or "nvmxml".


-diagnostic (Quick|Config|Security|FW)

Run a specific test by supplying its name. By default all tests are run. One of:

•"Quick" - This test verifies that the DCPMM host mailbox is accessible and that basic health indicators can be read and are currently reporting acceptable values.

•"Config" - This test verifies that the BIOS platform configuration matches the installed hardware and the platform configuration conforms to best known practices.

•"Security" - This test verifies that all DCPMMs have a consistent security state. It’s a best practice to enable security on all DCPMMs rather than just some.

•"FW" - This test verifies that all DCPMMs of a given model have consistent FW installed and other FW modifiable attributes are set in accordance with best practices.
Note that the test does not have a means of verifying that the installed FW is the optimal version for a given DCPMM model just that it’s been consistently applied across the system.

-dimm [(DimmIDS)]

Runs a diagnostic test on specific DCPMMs by optionally supplying one or more comma-separated DCPMM identifiers. The default is to run the specified tests on all manageable DCPMMs. Only valid for the Quick diagnostic test.


Runs all diagnostics.

ipmctl start -diagnostic

Runs the quick check diagnostic on DCPMM 0x0001

ipmctl start -diagnostic Quick -dimm 0x0001


If a DCPMM is unmanageable, then Quick test will report the reason, while Config, Security and FW tests will skip unmanageable DCPMMs.


Each diagnostic generates one or more log messages. A successful test generates a single log message per DCPMM indicating that no errors were found. A failed test might generate multiple log messages each highlighting a specific error with all the relevant details. Each log contains the following information.


The test name. One of:






The severity of the error. One of:





NOTE: State is promoted to the highest severity result from the test group.


A free form textual description of the error.
2019-10-17 ipmctl