.TH "HUGO\-NEW\-THEME" "1" "Dec 2016" "Hugo 0.18.1" "Hugo Manual" .nh .ad l .SH NAME .PP hugo\-new\-theme \- Create a new theme .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBhugo new theme\fP [OPTIONS] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Create a new theme (skeleton) called [name] in the current directory. New theme is a skeleton. Please add content to the touched files. Add your name to the copyright line in the license and adjust the theme.toml file as you see fit. .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .PP \fB\-\-config\fP="" config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml) .PP \fB\-\-log\fP[=false] Enable Logging .PP \fB\-\-logFile\fP="" Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically) .PP \fB\-\-quiet\fP[=false] build in quiet mode .PP \fB\-s\fP, \fB\-\-source\fP="" filesystem path to read files relative from .PP \fB\-v\fP, \fB\-\-verbose\fP[=false] verbose output .PP \fB\-\-verboseLog\fP[=false] verbose logging .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBhugo\-new(1)\fP