.\"Man page for condor_advertise .\"Generated by makeman on Tue May 29 00:38:53 2018 .TH condor_advertise 1 "May 2018" .SH Name .P condor_advertise Send \- a ClassAd to the condor_collectordaemon .P .SH Synopsis condor_advertise [-help -version] .P condor_advertise[-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portname]] [-debug] [-tcp] [-udp] [-multiple] update-command[classad-filename] .P .SH Description condor_advertise sends one or more ClassAds to the condor_collectordaemon on the central manager machine. The required argument update-commandsays what daemon type's ClassAd is to be updated. The optional argument classad-filenameis the file from which the ClassAd(s) should be read. If classad-filenameis omitted or is the dash character ('-'), then the ClassAd(s) are read from standard input. .P When -multipleis specified, multiple ClassAds may be published. Publishing many ClassAds in a single invocation of condor_advertiseis more efficient than invoking condor_advertiseonce per ClassAd. The ClassAds are expected to be separated by one or more blank lines. When -multipleis not specified, blank lines are ignored (for backward compatibility). It is best not to rely on blank lines being ignored, as this may change in the future. .P The update-commandmay be one of the following strings: .P .B UPDATE_STARTD_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_SCHEDD_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_MASTER_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_GATEWAY_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_CKPT_SRVR_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_NEGOTIATOR_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_HAD_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_AD_GENERIC .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_SUBMITTOR_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_COLLECTOR_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_LICENSE_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UPDATE_STORAGE_AD .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P condor_advertisecan also be used to invalidate and delete ClassAds currently held by the condor_collectordaemon. In this case the update-commandwill be one of the following strings: .P .B INVALIDATE_STARTD_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_SCHEDD_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_MASTER_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_GATEWAY_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_CKPT_SRVR_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_NEGOTIATOR_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_HAD_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_ADS_GENERIC .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_SUBMITTOR_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_COLLECTOR_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_LICENSE_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B INVALIDATE_STORAGE_ADS .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P For any of these INVALIDATE commands, the ClassAd in the required file consists of three entries. The file contents will be similar to: .P .br MyType = "Query" .br TargetType = "Machine" .br Requirements = Name == "condor.example.com" .P The definition for MyType is always Query . TargetType is set to the MyType of the ad to be deleted. This MyType is DaemonMaster for the condor_masterClassAd, Machine for the condor_startdClassAd, Scheduler for the condor_scheddClassAd, and Negotiator for the condor_negotiatorClassAd. Requirements is an expression evaluated within the context of ads of TargetType . When Requirements evaluates to True , the matching ad is invalidated. A full example is given below. .P .SH Options .P .B -help .IP "" 3 Display usage information .IP "" 3 .P .B -version .IP "" 3 Display version information .IP "" 3 .P .B -debug .IP "" 3 Print debugging information as the command executes. .IP "" 3 .P .B -multiple .IP "" 3 Send more than one ClassAd, where the boundary between ClassAds is one or more blank lines. .IP "" 3 .P .B -pool centralmanagerhostname[:portname] .IP "" 3 Specify a pool by giving the central manager's host name and an optional port number. The default is the COLLECTOR_HOST specified in the configuration file. .IP "" 3 .P .B -tcp .IP "" 3 Use TCP for communication. Used by default if UPDATE_COLLECTOR_WITH_TCP is true. .IP "" 3 .P .B -udp .IP "" 3 Use UDP for communication. .IP "" 3 .P .SH General Remarks The job and machine ClassAds are regularly updated. Therefore, the result of condor_advertise is likely to be overwritten in a very short time. It is unlikely that either HTCondor users (those who submit jobs) or administrators will ever have a use for this command. If it is desired to update or set a ClassAd attribute, the condor_config_valcommand is the proper command to use. .P Attributes are defined in Appendix A of the HTCondor manual. .P For those administrators who do need condor_advertise, the following attributes may be included: .P .B DaemonStartTime .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UpdateSequenceNumber .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P If both of the above are included, the condor_collectorwill automatically include the following attributes: .P .B UpdatesTotal .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UpdatesLost .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UpdatesSequenced .IP "" 3 .IP "" 3 .P .B UpdatesHistory .IP "" 3 Affected by COLLECTOR_DAEMON_HISTORY_SIZE . .IP "" 3 .P .SH Examples .P Assume that a machine called condor.example.com is turned off, yet its condor_startdClassAd does not expire for another 20 minutes. To avoid this machine being matched, an administrator chooses to delete the machine's condor_startdClassAd. Create a file (called remove_file in this example) with the three required attributes: .P .br MyType = "Query" .br TargetType = "Machine" .br Requirements = Name == "condor.example.com" .P This file is used with the command: .P .br % condor_advertise INVALIDATE_STARTD_ADS remove_file .P .SH Exit Status .P condor_advertisewill exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure. Success means that all ClassAds were successfully sent to all condor_collectordaemons. When there are multiple ClassAds or multiple condor_collectordaemons, it is possible that some but not all publications succeed; in this case, the exit status is 1, indicating failure. .P .SH Author Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison .SH Copyright Copyright (C) 1990-2016 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.