.TH v.in.region 1grass "" "GRASS 8.3.2" "GRASS GIS User's Manual" .SH NAME \fI\fBv.in.region\fR\fR \- Creates a vector polygon from the current region extent. .SH KEYWORDS vector, geometry .SH SYNOPSIS \fBv.in.region\fR .br \fBv.in.region \-\-help\fR .br \fBv.in.region\fR [\-\fBd\fR] \fBoutput\fR=\fIname\fR [\fBtype\fR=\fIstring\fR] [\fBcat\fR=\fIinteger\fR] [\-\-\fBoverwrite\fR] [\-\-\fBhelp\fR] [\-\-\fBverbose\fR] [\-\-\fBquiet\fR] [\-\-\fBui\fR] .SS Flags: .IP "\fB\-d\fR" 4m .br Densify lines using region resolution .IP "\fB\-\-overwrite\fR" 4m .br Allow output files to overwrite existing files .IP "\fB\-\-help\fR" 4m .br Print usage summary .IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fR" 4m .br Verbose module output .IP "\fB\-\-quiet\fR" 4m .br Quiet module output .IP "\fB\-\-ui\fR" 4m .br Force launching GUI dialog .SS Parameters: .IP "\fBoutput\fR=\fIname\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br Name for output vector map .IP "\fBtype\fR=\fIstring\fR" 4m .br Select type: line or area .br Options: \fIline, area\fR .br Default: \fIarea\fR .IP "\fBcat\fR=\fIinteger\fR" 4m .br Category value .br Default: \fI1\fR .SH DESCRIPTION \fIv.in.region\fR creates a new vector map from current region extent. .PP If the output of \fIv.in.region\fR is to be used for raster reprojection, the \fB\-d\fR flag should be used after setting the region to the raster map to be reprojected with \fIr.proj\fR. .SH EXAMPLE The example is based on the North Carolina sample data location. To create a bounding box vector map based on a raster map, the computational region is first set to the raster map. Then a vector bounding box is created based on the actual computational region (in this case precisely reflecting the pixel geometry of the raster map), resulting in a new vector polygon: .br .nf \fC g.region raster=soils_Kfactor \-p v.in.region output=soils_Kfactor_bbox v.info map=soils_Kfactor_bbox \fR .fi .SH SEE ALSO \fI g.region, r.proj, v.info \fR .SH AUTHOR Radim Blazek .SH SOURCE CODE .PP Available at: v.in.region source code (history) .PP Accessed: Friday Mar 08 07:35:05 2024 .PP Main index | Vector index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical index | Full index .PP © 2003\-2024 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.2 Reference Manual