.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.3. .TH SIGSUM-KEY "1" "February 2024" "sigsum-key 0.7.2-1" "User Commands" .SH NAME sigsum-key - sigsum handling of keys .SH DESCRIPTION sigsum\-key sub commands: .IP sigsum\-key help | \fB\-\-help\fR .IP Display this help. All the below sub commands also accept the \fB\-\-help\fR option, to display help for that sub command. .IP sigsum\-key gen \fB\-o\fR file .IP Generate a new key pair. Private key is stored in the given file, in OpenSSH private key format. Corresponding public key file gets a ".pub" suffix, and is written in OpenSSH public key format. .IP sigsum\-key verify [options] < msg .IP Verify a signature. For option details, see sigsum\-key verify \fB\-\-help\fR. .IP sigsum\-key sign [options] < msg .IP Create a signature. For option details, see sigsum\-key sign \fB\-\-help\fR. .IP sigsum\-key hash [\-k file] [\-o output] .IP Reads public key from file (by default, stdin) and writes key hash to output (by default, stdout). .IP sigsum\-key hex [\-k file] [\-o output] .IP Reads public key from file (by default, stdin) and writes hex key to output (by default, stdout). .IP sigsum\-key hex\-to\-pub [\-k file] [\-o output] .IP Reads hex public key from file (by default, stdin) and writes OpenSSH format public key to output (by default, stdout).