.TH git-annex-vcycle 1 .SH NAME git-annex-vcycle \- switch view to next layout .PP .SH SYNOPSIS git annex vcycle .PP .SH DESCRIPTION When a view involves nested subdirectories, this cycles the order. .PP For example, when the view is by year/author/tag, \fBvcycle\fP will switch it to author/tag/year. .PP .SH OPTIONS .IP "The git-annex\-common\-options(1) can be used." .IP .SH SEE ALSO git-annex(1) .PP git-annex\-metadata(1) .PP git-annex\-view(1) .PP git-annex\-vpop(1) .PP git-annex\-vadd(1) .PP git-annex\-vfilter(1) .PP .SH AUTHOR Joey Hess .PP .PP