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bin2obj(1) Binary to include file converter bin2obj(1)


bin2obj - The Free Pascal binary to pascal include file converter.


bin2obj [-aeouUz] -c constname infile


bin2objreads a binary file and converts it to a pascal typed constant declaration.The constant is an array of bytes (zero based), in which each byte has thevalue of the byte at the offsetindexin the file. (index is the index in the array).


bin2objaccepts a filename of a binary file, and needs the name of a constant(use the-coption). The output goes to standard output by default. If no unitname isgiven, the output will be in the form of code which can be written to aninclude file.


bin2obj has a small number of options to control its behaviour:

Write ASCII data instead of bytes. The constant array will be an array ofchar instead of an array of bytes. The bytes will be written as ASCIIconstants.
If this option is given, the data will be encrypted withkeywhich is a string of 8 characters long.
emit a small helptext.
By default, the output goes to standard output (the screen). If this option is given,bin2objwill write the output to a file with namefilenameinstead. This option is mandatory if the-Uoption is specified.
This option tellsbin2objto generate a unit. By default the output is just the declaration of theconstant. If the unitname is not specified,bin2objtries to determine it from the input filename.
The same as the-uoption, only bin2obj will also call the compiler and compile the unit.
Compress the data before creating the unit. zlib compression is used.


12 November 2004 Free Pascal