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flow-cat(1) General Commands Manual flow-cat(1)


flow-cat — Concatenate flow files


flow-cat [-aghmp] [-b big|little] [-C comment] [-d debug_level] [-o filename] [-t start_time] [-T start_time] [-z z_level] [file|directory ...]


The flow-cat utility processes files and/or directories of files in the flow-tools format. The resulting concatenated data set is written to the standard output or file specified by -o. If file is a single dash (`-') or absent, flow-cat will read from the standard input.


Do not ignore filenames that begin with tmp.
Byte order of output.
Add a comment.
Enable debugging.
Sort file list by capture start time before processing.
Display help.
Disable the use of mmap().
Preload headers. Use to preserve meta information such as lost flows.
Write to file instead of the standard out.
Select flow files up to start_time. If used with -T select files between start_time and end_time.
Select flow files after end_time. If used with -t select files between start_time and end_time.
Configure compression level to z_level. 0 is disabled (no compression), 9 is highest compression.
Process the files and/or directory.

TIME/DATE parsing

start_time and end_time parsing is implemented with getdate.y, a commonly used function to process free-form time date specifications. Example usage borrowed from cvs:
1 month ago
2 hours ago
400000 seconds ago
last year
last Monday
a fortnight ago
3/31/92 10:00:07 PST
January 23, 1987 10:05pm
22:00 GMT


Concatenate all flow files begining with ft-v05.2001-05.01, use flow-print to display the results.

flow-cat ft-v05.2001-05-01.* | flow-print

Concatenate flow files in /flows/krc4, store store the output in compressed.flows at compression level 9 (best). The headers are preloaded so various metadata such as the flow count is correct in the result. Filenames begining with tmp which are typically in-progress flow files from flow-capture are not processed.

flow-cat -p -z9 /flows/krc4 > compressed.flows


None known.


Mark Fullmer

