.\" Manpage for eztrace_create_plugin. .\" Contact eztrace-devel@lists.gforge.inria.fr to correct errors or typos. .TH man 1 "05 September 2013" "1.0" "eztrace_create_plugin man page" .SH NAME eztrace_create_plugin \- creates an EZTrace plugin .SH SYNOPSIS eztrace_create [OPTION] FILE .SH DESCRIPTION Generate an EZTrace plugin .SH OPTIONS .TP -I > Add specific include directories for the compilation of the generated code. .TP -o > Select the output directory. .TP -h --help Print a brief help message and exits. .SH EXAMPLES eztrace_create_plugin generates the source code of an EZTrace plugin described by a template file. The template file has to be structure as follows: --- foo.tpl .br BEGIN_MODULE .br NAME example_lib .br DESC "module for the example library" .br LANGUAGE C .br ID 99 .br int foo(int n) .br BEGIN .br EVENT("Do function foo") .br END .br void bar(int n) .br BEGIN .br RECORD_STATE("running function bar") .br END .br END_MODULE .br --- end of foo.tpl Passing foo.tpl to eztrace_create_plugin will result in a directory (default: output) that contains the source code of an EZTrace plugin that intercepts the foo and bar functions. $ eztrace_create_plugin foo.tpl .br New Module .br Module name : 'example_lib' .br Module description : '"module for the example library"' .br Language : 'C' .br Module id : '99' .br Function 'foo' done .br Function 'bar' done .br End of Module example_lib Once the generated source code is compiled, the resulting plugin can be used with eztrace or eztrace.old: $ cd output .br $ make .br $ export EZTRACE_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD .br $ eztrace_avail .br 3 stdio Module for stdio functions (read, write, select, poll, etc.) .br 2 pthread Module for PThread synchronization functions (mutex, semaphore, spinlock, etc.) .br 6 papi Module for PAPI Performance counters .br 1 omp Module for OpenMP parallel regions .br 4 mpi Module for MPI functions .br 5 memory Module for memory functions (malloc, free, etc.) .br 153 example_lib module for the example library .br $ eztrace -t example_lib my_application .br [...] .SH SEE ALSO eztrace_convert(1), eztrace_stats(1), eztrace.old(1), eztrace_cc(1), eztrace_avail(1), eztrace_loaded(1), eztrace_create_plugin(1) .SH REPORTING BUGS Report eztrace bugs to eztrace-devel@lists.gforge.inria.fr .br EZTrace home page: .SH AUTHOR Francois Trahay (francois.trahay@telecom-sduparis.eu)