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euform-update-stack - Update a stack with a new template


euform-update-stack (--template-file FILE | --template-url URL)

[--capabilities CAP[,...]] [-p KEY=VALUE]
[--tag KEY[=VALUE] | --delete-tags] [--show-empty-fields] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h] STACK


Update a stack with a new template

positional arguments:

name of the stack to update (required)

optional arguments:

file containing a new JSON template for the stack
URL pointing to a new JSON template for the stack
capabilities needed to update the stack
key and value of the parameters to use with the stack's template, separated by an "=" character
key and optional value of a tag to add, separated by an "=" character. If no value is given the tag's value is set to an empty string.
remove all tags associated with the stack
show empty values as "(nil)"
deployment templating service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3