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euca-run-instances - Launch instances of a machine image


euca-run-instances [-n MIN[-MAX]] [-g GROUP] [-k KEYPAIR]

[-d DATA | --user-data-force DATA | -f FILE]
[--addressing {public,private}] [-t INSTANCETYPE] [-z ZONE] [--kernel KERNEL] [--ramdisk RAMDISK] [-b DEVICE=MAPPED] [-m] [--disable-api-termination] [--instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior {stop,terminate}] [--placement-group PLGROUP] [--tenancy {default,dedicated}] [--client-token TOKEN] [-s SUBNET] [--associate-public-ip-address ASSOCIATE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS] [--private-ip-address ADDRESS] [--secondary-address ADDRESS | --secondary-count COUNT] [-a INTERFACE] [-p IPROFILE] [--ebs-optimized] [--show-empty-fields] [-U URL] [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h] IMAGE


Launch instances of a machine image

positional arguments:

ID of the image to instantiate (required)

optional arguments:

number of instances to launch. If this number of instances cannot be launched, no instances will launch. If specified as a range (min-max), the server will attempt to launch the maximum number, but no fewer than the minimum number.
security group(s) in which to launch the instances
name of the key pair to use
user data to make available to instances in this reservation
same as -d/--user-data, but without checking if a file by that name exists first
file containing user data to make available to the instances in this reservation
[Eucalyptus only, non-VPC only] addressing scheme to launch the instance with. Use "private" to run an instance with no public address.
type of instance to launch

-z ZONE, --availability-zone ZONE

ID of the kernel to launch the instance(s) with
ID of the ramdisk to launch the instance(s) with
define a block device mapping for the instances, in the form DEVICE=MAPPED, where "MAPPED" is "none", "ephemeral(0-3)", or "[SNAPID]:[GiB]:[true|false]:[standard|VOLTYPE[:IOPS]]"
enable detailed monitoring for the instance(s)
prevent API users from terminating the instance(s)
whether to "stop" (default) or terminate EBS instances when they shut down
name of a placement group to launch into
[VPC only] "dedicated" to run on single-tenant hardware
unique identifier to ensure request idempotency
[VPC only] subnet to create the instance's network interface in
[VPC only] assign a public address to the instance's network interface
[VPC only] assign a specific primary private IP address to an instance's interface
[VPC only] assign a specific secondary private IP address to an instance's network interface. Use this option multiple times to add additional addresses.
[VPC only] automatically assign a specific number of secondary private IP addresses to an instance's network interface
[VPC only] add a network interface to the new instance. If the interface already exists, supply its ID and a numeric index for it, separated by ":", in the form "eni-NNNNNNNN:INDEX". To create a new interface, supply a numeric index and subnet ID for it, along with (in order) an optional description, a primary private IP address, a list of security group IDs to associate with the interface, whether to delete the interface upon instance termination ("true" or "false"), a number of secondary private IP addresses to create automatically, and a list of secondary private IP addresses to assign to the interface, separated by ":", in the form ":INDEX:SUBNET:[DESCRIPT ION]:[PRIV_IP]:[GROUP1,GROUP2,...]:[true|false]:[SEC_I P_COUNT|:SEC_IP1,SEC_IP2,...]". You cannot specify both of the latter two. This option may be used multiple times. Each adds another network interface.
name or ARN of the IAM instance profile to associate with the new instance(s)
optimize the new instance(s) for EBS I/O
show empty values as "(nil)"
compute service endpoint URL
region and/or user names to search when looking up config file data

-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID

-S KEY, --secret-key KEY

--security-token TOKEN

show debugging output
launch interactive debugger on error
show the program's version and exit
show this help message and exit
March 2016 euca2ools 3.3