.TH ENIGMA 6 "February 2nd, 2007" "Raoul Bourquin" "Enigma" . .SH NAME enigma \- Puzzle game reminiscent of Oxyd . .SH SYNOPSIS .B enigma .RI [\| options \|] .RI [\| levelfile.xml \|] \&.\|.\|. .br .B enigma .RB [\| \-\-assert \|] .RB [\| \-d .IR path \|] .RB [\| \-\-help \|] .RB [\| \-l .IR lang \|] .RB [\| \-\-log \|] .RB [\| \-\-nograb \|] .RB [\| \-\-nomusic \|] .RB [\| \-\-nosound \|] .RB [\| \-p .IR file \|] .RB [\| \-\-showfps \|] .RB [\| \-\-version \|] .RB [\| \-w \|] .RI [\| levelfile.xml \|] \&.\|.\|. . .SH DESCRIPTION . The object of the game is to find and uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser beams, and, most of all, countless hairy puzzles usually block your direct way to the Oxyd stones. Enigma's game objects (and there are hundreds of them, lest you get bored) interact in many unexpected ways, and since many of them follow the laws of physics (Enigma's special laws of physics, that is), controlling them with the mouse isn't always trivial .\|.\|.\| .PP .B For more information, please refer to the manual .B or the project homepage: ! . .SH OPTIONS . .TP .B \-\-assert Forces all debugging assertions, even expensive ones, to be evaluated. .TP .BI \-d\ path ,\ \-\-data= path Prepend another data directory to Enigma's search path. .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Display a list of available command line options and quit. .TP .BI \-l\ lang ,\ \-\-lang= lang Override the default language. The language is given in the common 2 character sequence as fr for French or ru for Russian. .TP .B \-\-log This switch turns on logging of internal information to the standard output. .TP .B \-\-nograb Do not use exclusive mouse/keyboard access. .TP .B \-\-nomusic Start Enigma without background music. Sound effects will still be played. .TP .B \-\-nosound Start Enigma without sound effects. .TP .BI \-p\ file ,\ \-\-pref= file Start Enigma with an alternative preferences file without the leading dot for hidden filenames. .TP .B \-\-showfps Show the framerate (FPS) during the Game. .TP .B \-\-version Print the Enigma version number and quit. .TP .B \-w, \-\-window Run Enigma in a window; do not switch to fullscreen mode. . .SH USAGE . For the many in\-game control keys take a look at the manual or press .B F1 to get online help in nearly all menus. . .SH AUTHORS . Daniel Heck is the main author and maintainer of Enigma. Enigma itself is based on Oxyd, created by Meinolf Schneider. This manual page was created by Joe Wreschnig and is currently maintained by Raoul Bourquin. . .SH BUGS . Please report bugs to . .