.TH CIF_MARK_DISORDER 1 .SH NAME cif_mark_disorder \- mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy. .SH SYNOPSIS cif_mark_disorder \-\-options input1.cif input*.cif .SH DESCRIPTION Mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy. .SH OPTIONS \-d, \-\-distance\-sensitivity 0.000001 Specify maximum distance between two atoms that should be perceived as belonging to the same atom site. Default: 0.000001. \-\-occupancy\-sensitivity 0.01 Set maximum deviation for the sum of occupancies of the atoms from the same atom site from 1. Default: 0.01. \-h, \-\-add\-cif\-header Comments from the beginning of this file will be prepended to the output. \-\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies Ignore atoms with an occupancy of 0 in the calculations. Default. \-\-no\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies, \-\-dont\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies Use atoms with an occupancy of 0 in the calculations. \-\-ignore\-occupancies Do not require occupancies of atoms in the same atom site to sum up to 1. \-\-no\-ignore\-occupancies, \-\-dont\-ignore\-occupancies Require occupancies of atoms in the same atom site to sum up to 1 to be recognised as a disordered site. Default. \-\-reconstruct\-symmetry Reconstruct crystal symmetry before searching for possible unmarked disorder. \-\-no\-reconstruct\-symmetry, \-\-dont\-reconstruct\-symmetry Do not reconstruct symmetry, act on asymmetric unit cell only. Default. \-\-output\-dot\-assemblies Use dot ('.') assembly names. With this option on, already existing dot assemblies in the input CIF will be preserved. If no assemblies have existed in the input file, but the script found a single new assembly, it will be named '.'. \-\-no\-output\-dot\-assemblies, \-\-dont\-output\-dot\-assemblies Rename dot ('.') assemblies in the input and do not name new assemblies '.'. Default. \-\-report\-marked\-disorders Print each of the marked disorder assemblies to stderr, listing atom labels. Default. \-\-no\-report\-marked\-disorders, \-\-dont\-report\-marked\-disorders Do not print marked disorder assemblies to stderr. \-\-add\-depositor\-comments Append reports about newly marked disorder assemblies together with the signature of this script to the '_cod_depositor_comments' value. Default. \-\-no\-add\-depositor\-comments, \-\-dont\-add\-depositor\-comments Do not append anything to the value of '_cod_depositor_comments'. \-\-brick\-size 1 Brick size parameter for the 'AtomBricks' algorithm. \-\-uniquify\-atoms Makes unique the labels of atoms. \-\-no\-uniquify\-atoms, \-\-dont\-uniquify\-atoms Do not makes unique labels for atoms, exclude duplicates. Default. \-\-continue\-on\-errors Do not terminate script if errors are raised. \-\-die\-on\-errors Terminate script immediately if errors are raised. Default. \-\-continue\-on\-warnings Do not terminate script if warnings are raised. Default. \-\-die\-on\-warnings Terminate script immediately if warnings are raised. \-\-continue\-on\-notes Do not terminate script if notes are raised. Default. \-\-die\-on\-notes Terminate script immediately if notes are raised. \-\-use\-perl\-parser Use Perl parser for CIF parsing. \-\-use\-c\-parser Use Perl & C parser for CIF parsing. Default. \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report cif_mark_disorder bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt