.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText. . . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . .de1 rstReportMargin \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .de1 INDENT .\" .rstReportMargin pre: . RS \\$1 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin] . nr rst2man-indent-level +1 .\" .rstReportMargin post: .. .de UNINDENT . RE .\" indent \\n[an-margin] .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .nr rst2man-indent-level -1 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u .. .TH "CDIST-TYPE__APT_SOURCE" "7" "Sep 26, 2023" "7.0.0" "cdist" .SH NAME .sp cdist\-type__apt_source \- Manage apt sources .SH DESCRIPTION .sp This cdist type allows you to manage apt sources. It invokes index update internally when needed so call of index updating type is not needed. .SH REQUIRED PARAMETERS .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B uri the uri to the apt repository .UNINDENT .SH OPTIONAL PARAMETERS .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B arch set this if you need to force and specific arch (ubuntu specific) .TP .B signed\-by provide a GPG key fingerprint or keyring path for signature checks .TP .B state \(aqpresent\(aq or \(aqabsent\(aq, defaults to \(aqpresent\(aq .TP .B distribution the distribution codename to use. Defaults to DISTRIB_CODENAME from the targets /etc/lsb\-release .TP .B component space delimited list of components to enable. Defaults to an empty string. .UNINDENT .SH BOOLEAN PARAMETERS .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B include\-src include deb\-src entries .UNINDENT .SH EXAMPLES .INDENT 0.0 .INDENT 3.5 .sp .EX __apt_source rabbitmq \e \-\-uri http://www.rabbitmq.com/debian/ \e \-\-distribution testing \e \-\-component main \e \-\-include\-src \e \-\-state present __apt_source canonical_partner \e \-\-uri http://archive.canonical.com/ \e \-\-component partner \-\-state present __apt_source goaccess \e \-\-uri http://deb.goaccess.io/ \e \-\-component main \e \-\-signed\-by C03B48887D5E56B046715D3297BD1A0133449C3D .EE .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .SH AUTHORS .sp Steven Armstrong <\fI\%steven\-cdist\-\-@\-\-armstrong.cc\fP> .SH COPYING .sp Copyright (C) 2011\-2018 Steven Armstrong. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. .SH COPYRIGHT ungleich GmbH 2021 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer. .