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loadPulses - load sequencing pulse information


loadPulses basFileName cmpFileName [options]


loadPulses loads sequencing pulse information such as inter-pulse distance or quality information into the cmp.h5 file. This allows one to analyze kinetic and quality information by alignment column.


The input {bas,pls}.h5 or input.fofn.
The cmp.h5 file to load pulse information into.
A comma separated list of metrics (with no spaces).
WhenStarted, QualityValue, InsertionQV, MergeQV, DeletionQV, DeletionTag, SubstitutionTag, SubstitutionQV, PreBaseFrames, IPD, StartFrame, PulseWidth, WidthInFrames, Light, pkmid, ClassifierQV, PulseIndex
QualityValue, ClassifierQV, StartFrame, PulseWidth, WidthInFrames, pkmid, IPD
Exit if any data fields are missing from the bas.h5 or pls.h5 input that are required to load a metric. Defualt is a warning.
Load pulse information by read rather than buffering metrics.
Load pulse information by metric rather than by read. This uses more memory than -byread, but can be faster.
Set a limit on the size of pls/bas file to buffer in with -bymetric (default value: maximum int). Use -byread if the limit is exceeded.
Set a limit (in GB) on the memory to buffer data with -bymetric (default value: 4 GB). Use -byread if the limit is exceeded.
Set number of elements in meta data cache for reading bas/bax/pls.h5 file.
Set number of elements in raw data cache for reading the bas/bax/pls.h5 file.
Set chunk size of raw data cache for reading the bas/bax/pls.h5 file.


blasr(1) pls2fasta(1) samFilter(1) samtoh5(1) samtom4(1) sawriter(1) sdpMatcher(1) toAfg(1)

July 2015 loadPulses 3ca7fe8