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STARCH(1) User Commands STARCH(1)


starch - manual page for starch 2.4.20+dfsg



citation: binary version: 2.4.20 (creates archive version: 2.1.0) authors: Alex Reynolds and Shane Neph

USAGE: starch [--note="foo bar..."] [--bzip2 | --gzip] [--header] [<unique-tag>] <bed-file>

* BED input must be sorted lexicographically (e.g., using BEDOPS sort-bed). * Please use '-' to indicate reading BED data from standard input. * Output must be directed to a regular file. * The bzip2 compression type makes smaller archives, while gzip extracts faster.
Process Flags:
Append note to output archive metadata (optional)
Specify backend compression type (optional, default is bzip2)
Support BED input with custom UCSC track, SAM or VCF headers, or generic comments (optional)
Specify unique identifier for transformed data (optional)
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The full documentation for starch is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and starch programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info starch

should give you access to the complete manual.

January 2017 starch 2.4.20+dfsg