.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.3 .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "bali-phy-pkg" "1" "Feb 2018" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]bali-phy-pkg\f[R] - Manage BAli-Phy packages .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]bali-phy-pkg\f[R] [command] [arguments] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Install and remove BAli-Phy packages. .PP Packages are installed in \f[V]\[ti]/.local/share/bali-phy/packages\f[R]. .PP Package information is kept in \f[V]\[ti]/.local/share/bali-phy/info/\f[R]. .SH ALL OPTIONS: .TP \f[B]help\f[R], \f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]\[en]help\f[R] Produce help message. .TP \f[B]available\f[R] List packages available on the web. .TP \f[B]install\f[R] \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] Install package \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] from the web. .TP \f[B]install-archive\f[R] \f[I]ARCHIVE\f[R] Install package in local file \f[I]ARCHIVE\f[R]. .TP \f[B]uninstall\f[R] \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] Uninstall package \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] .TP \f[B]packages\f[R] List installed packages and their version numbers. .TP \f[B]info\f[R] \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] Show information about the installed version of package \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R]. .TP \f[B]files\f[R] \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R] List files for installed package \f[I]PACKAGE\f[R]. .TP \f[B]installed\f[R] List files for all installed packages .TP \f[B]untracked\f[R] List files in the package directory that aren\[cq]t from any installed package. .SH REPORTING BUGS: .PP BAli-Phy online help: . .PP Please send bug reports to . .SH AUTHORS Benjamin Redelings.