.TH axhttpd 1 .SH NAME axhttpd \- Demo HTTP/HTTPS server for axTLS .SH SYNOPSIS .B axhttpd .RB [ "\-p \fR[\fIaddress\fR:]\fIhttpport\fR" ] .RB [ "\-s \fR[\fIaddress\fR:]\fIhttpsport\fR" ] .RB [ "\-key \fIprivate_key\fR" ] .RB [ "\-cert \fIcert\fR" ] .RB [ "\-w \fIwebroot\fR" ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B axhttpd is a small embedded web server using the axTLS library. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-p " \fR[\fIaddress\fR:]\fIhttpport" Set HTTP address and port. (default: 80) .TP .BI \-s " \fR[\fIaddress\fR:]\fIhttpsport" Set HTTPS address and port. (default: 443) .TP .BI \-key " private_key" Private key for TLS certificate. .TP .BI \-cert " cert" TLS certificate file. .TP .BI \-w " webroot" The location of the web root in relation to axhttpd. .SH SEE ALSO http://axtls.sourceforge.net/README/index.html .SH AUTHOR .B axhttpd is written by Cameron Hamilton-Rich. It is based originally on the web server written by Doug Currie which is at http://www.hcsw.org/awhttpd.