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ASE-GUI(1) User Commands ASE-GUI(1)


ase-gui - graphical user interface for ASE


Please use "ase gui" instead of "ase-gui" usage: ase gui [-h] [-n NUMBER] [-u I] [-r REPEAT] [-R ROTATIONS] [-o FILE]

[-g EXPR] [-t] [--interpolate N] [-b] [-s FLOAT] [filenames [filenames ...]]

ASE-GUI. See the online manual ( for more information.

positional arguments:


optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
Pick image(s) from trajectory. NUMBER can be a single number (use a negative number to count from the back) or a range: start:stop:step, where the ":step" part can be left out - default values are 0:nimages:1.
0: Don't show unit cell. 1: Show unit cell. 2: Show all of unit cell.
Repeat unit cell. Use "-r 2" or "-r 2,3,1".
Examples: "-R -90x", "-R 90z,-30x".
Write configurations to FILE.
Plot x,y1,y2,... graph from configurations or write data to sdtout in terminal mode. Use the symbols: i, s, d, fmax, e, ekin, A, R, E and F. See https://wiki.f for more details.
Run in terminal window - no GUI.
Interpolate N images between 2 given images.
Draw bonds between atoms.
Scale covalent radii.
July 2017 ase-gui 3.14.1