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SPYDR(1) General Commands Manual SPYDR(1)


spydr - GUI for Image display and analysis with yorick


spydr [ options ] image1.fits [ image2.fits ... ]
where the fits images can contain single images (not necessarily of the same size) or data cube. Widlcards are allowed in names.
#include spydr.i


configuration file.
Specify a fits HDU to read
Yorick dpi value (yorick default = 75, spydr default = 83). Any value between 30 and 150 make sense.
Intensity Transfer Table (1=linear, 2=sqrt, 3=square, 4=log, 5=hist equalized)
Pixel size (or plate scale) in arcsec.
Size of box for PSF fitting and Strehl calculation (pixels)
Value above which pixels have to be considered as saturated (ADU)
Force wavelength for all images
Photometric zeropoint (magnitude)
Number of bins for histograms
Diameter of circular mask for Strehl calculations (pixels). The flux is integrated in a circle of this diameter, while the sky is estimated from the remaining pixels within the box of size "boxsize"
Turn on yorick batch mode (yorick quits when encountering an error). This flag is recommended when starting spydr from a non-interactive session (e.g. from a gnome applet).
Turn on the verbose mode (debugging mode).
Invert LUT
Show the plugin pane when the GUI is realized
Hide the lower part of the GUI at startup


Spydr is a GUI for image visualization and simple analysis (cuts, zoom, values, statistics, histogram, sigma filter) with changeable LUT and ITT. Spydr has a couple of plugins to measure FWHM and Strehl. Press "?" on the main display area to get a popup help:

The following shortcuts are available:
x/y: Plot line/column under cursor
X/Y: Toggle continuous plot of line/column
under cursor
c: Interactive plot of cut across image
h: Plot histogram of visible region
r: Radial plot centered on cursor
f: Fit 1d gaussian to 1d plot
e: Adjust min and max cut to 10% and 99.9%
of distribution
E: Reset min and max cut to min and max
of visible region
n/p: Next/prevous image
s: Sigma filter displayed image
-/+: Decrease/Increase zoom factor in zoom window
?: This help


From the shell:
$ spydr --dpi 74 --fullgui 20070730_2*.fits
$ spydr --pixsize 0.127 20070730_2[2-3]?.fits 20070730_241.fits

Within yorick:
> spydr,"~/ascam/2007jun26/20070625T2000*.fits"
> spydr,["20070730_1[1-3].fits","20070730_23.fits"]
> spydr,image
> spydr,[im1,im2]
> spydr,im1,im2


Force the path to The default path is


Force the path to The default path is


Force the path to spydr.conf. The default path is



- only fits images handled to date
- the ITT display is not very well handled


Francois Rigaut, Gemini Observatory


Input files:

The spydr configuration file. Needed. It should have come with your installation. The routine which_spydrconf() returns the path to the used spydr.conf. The following directories are searched for spydr.conf, in this order: Y_USER, Y_SITE, /etc, Y_USER/share, Y_SITE/share, Y_USER/share/spydr, Y_SITE/share/spydr. If you wish to modify the defaults, copy the file over to Y_USER and modify at will.

Output files: none.


yorick(1), yao(1)

2008 January 02 4th Berkeley Distribution