.\" WARNING! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY c2man! .\" DO NOT EDIT! CHANGES MADE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST! .TH "Trf_SetOption" 3 "27 August 2002" "c2man transform.h" .SH "NAME" Trf_SetOption \- Interface to procedures to define the value of an option. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .ft B #include .sp int Trf_SetOption .br ( .br Trf_Options options, .br Tcl_Interp *interp, .br const char *optname, .br const char *optvalue, .br ClientData clientData .br ); .ft R .SH "PARAMETERS" .TP .B "Trf_Options options" Container to place the value into. .TP .B "Tcl_Interp *interp" Interpreter for error messages (NULL possible). .TP .B "const char *optname" Name of option to define. .TP .B "const char *optvalue" Value to set into the container. .TP .B "ClientData clientData" Arbitrary information, as defined in Trf_TypeDefinition.clientData. .SH "DESCRIPTION" The procedure takes the specified optionname (rejecting illegal ones) and places the given optionvalue into the container. All necessary conversions from a string to the required type should be done here. Return value is a standard tcl error code. In case of failure and interp not NULL an error message should be left in the result area of the specified interpreter. .SH "SEE ALSO" Trf_Init(3), Trf_SafeInit(3), Trf_IsInitialized(3), Trf_CreateOptions(3), Trf_DeleteOptions(3), Trf_CheckOptions(3), Trf_SetObjOption(3), Trf_QueryOptions(3), Trf_SeekQueryOptions(3), Trf_WriteProc(3), Trf_CreateCtrlBlock(3), Trf_DeleteCtrlBlock(3), Trf_TransformCharacter(3), Trf_TransformBuffer(3), Trf_FlushTransformation(3), Trf_ClearCtrlBlock(3), Trf_QueryMaxRead(3), Trf_Register(3), Trf_ConverterOptions(3), Trf_MDStart(3), Trf_MDUpdate(3), Trf_MDUpdateBuf(3), Trf_MDFinal(3), Trf_MDCheck(3), Trf_RegisterMessageDigest(3), Trf_LoadLibrary(3), Trf_XorBuffer(3), Trf_ShiftRegister(3), Trf_FlipRegisterShort(3), Trf_FlipRegisterLong(3), Trf_InitStubs(3)