.TH hierarch28 1 "29 May 2000" .SH NAME hierarch28 \- header conversion from ESO to standard FITS .SH SYNOPSIS .B hierarch28 [options] [table] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .B hierarch28 will convert keyword names in a FITS header to new names, using a user-provided ASCII conversion table. It is especially aimed at removing no-standard FITS features, such as the HIERARCH ESO keyword names. .PP .B hierarch28 can also perform a translation to the IRAF convention on the following four keywords: 'RA', 'DEC', 'UT' and 'LST'. IRAF requires these keywords to contain the string representation of their values, e.g. .br RA = ' 09:45:14.594' .br DEC = '-33:47:09.420' .br UT = ' 01:17:21.950' .br LST = ' 08:19:59.688' .PP The ESO standard (see http://archive.eso.org/dicb) defines these keywords as floating point values with the units degrees for RA/DEC and elapsed seconds since midnight for UT/LST. .PP In order to have this translation performed, add .br RA = RA .br DEC = DEC .br UT = UT .br LST = LST .br to the conversion table. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI "\-g " This option is used to generate default translation tables. .PP .SH FILES .PP .B hierarch28 expects a conversion table in input. Default name for this table is .I table.conv in the current working directory. Indicate another name for this file as last argument on the command-line. This ASCII file contains a list of keywords to replace, in the following format: .PP # .br # Comment lines start with a hash '#' .br # Blank lines would be ignored .br # .br OLDKEYWORD1 = NEWKEYWORD1 .br OLDKEYWORD2 = NEWKEYWORD2 .br etc. .PP Input keywords are character strings, they may contain blanks. Example: .PP HIERARCH ESO DET DIT = DETDIT .PP One important restriction is that the new keyword name may not be longer than the initial one. The program will complain that it cannot achieve search and replace if this is the case. .SH IMPORTANT .PP This programs achieves maximal speed to operate because it modifies the input file directly. Be aware that using .B hierarch28 on a file will modify its contents in an irreversible way!