.\" $Id: pvm_getrbuf.3,v 1.1 1996/09/23 22:01:27 pvmsrc Exp $ .TH GETRBUF 3PVM "30 August, 1993" "" "PVM Version 3.4" .SH NAME pvm_getrbuf \- Returns the message buffer identifier for the active receive buffer. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B C int bufid = pvm_getrbuf( void ) .br Fortran call pvmfgetrbuf( bufid ) .fi .SH PARAMETERS .IP bufid 0.8i Integer returning message buffer identifier for the active receive buffer. .SH DESCRIPTION The routine .I pvm_getrbuf returns the message buffer identifier .I bufid for the active receive buffer or 0 if there is no current buffer. .SH EXAMPLES .nf C: bufid = pvm_getrbuf(); .sp Fortran: CALL PVMFGETRBUF( BUFID ) .fi .SH ERRORS No error conditions are returned by .I pvm_getrbuf .SH SEE ALSO pvm_getsbuf(3PVM)