.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.48.4. .TH PILERCR "1" "August 2021" "pilercr 1.06+dfsg" "User Commands" .SH NAME pilercr \- software for finding CRISPR repeats .SH DESCRIPTION pilercr v1.06 http://www.drive5.com/piler .SH AUTHOR Written by Robert C. Edgar This software is donated to the public domain. Please visit web site for requested citation. .SS "Basic options:" .TP \fB\-in\fR Sequence file to analyze (FASTA format). .TP \fB\-out\fR Report file name (plain text). .TP \fB\-seq\fR Save consensus sequences to this FASTA file. .TP \fB\-trimseqs\fR Eliminate similar seqs from \fB\-seq\fR file. .TP \fB\-noinfo\fR Don't write help to report file. .TP \fB\-quiet\fR Don't write progress messages to stderr. .SS "Criteria for CRISPR detection, defaults in parentheses:" .TP \fB\-minarray\fR Must be at least repeats in array (3). .TP \fB\-mincons\fR Minimum conservation (0.9). At least N repeats must have identity >= F with the consensus sequence. Value is in range 0 .. 1.0. It is recommended to use a value < 1.0 because using 1.0 may suppress true arrays due to boundary misidentification. .TP \fB\-minrepeat\fR Minimum repeat length (16). .TP \fB\-maxrepeat\fR Maximum repeat length (64). .TP \fB\-minspacer\fR Minimum spacer length (8). .TP \fB\-maxspacer\fR Maximum spacer length (64). .TP \fB\-minrepeatratio\fR Minimum repeat ratio (0.9). .TP \fB\-minspacerratio\fR Minimum spacer ratio (0.75). \&'Ratios' are defined as minlength / maxlength, thus a value close to 1.0 requires lengths to be similar, 1.0 means identical lengths. Spacer lengths sometimes vary significantly, so the default ratio is smaller. As with \fB\-mincons\fR, using 1.0 is not recommended. .SS "Parameters for creating local alignments:" .TP \fB\-minhitlength\fR Minimum alignment length (16). .TP \fB\-minid\fR Minimum identity (0.94).