.TH "Printast" 3o 2023-09-20 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Printast \- Raw printer for Parsetree .SH Module Module Printast .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Printast" : .B sig end .sp Raw printer for .ft B Parsetree .ft R .sp Warning: this module is unstable and part of .ft B Compiler_libs .ft R \&. .sp .sp .sp .I val interface : .B Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature_item list -> unit .sp .sp .I val implementation : .B Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure_item list -> unit .sp .sp .I val top_phrase : .B Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit .sp .sp .I val expression : .B int -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit .sp .sp .I val structure : .B int -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure -> unit .sp .sp .I val payload : .B int -> Format.formatter -> Parsetree.payload -> unit .sp .sp