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pbmfilters(1) General Commands Manual pbmfilters(1)


pbmfilters - list of all programs in the netpbm package


convert Sony Mavica .411 image to ppm
attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
convert ASCII graphics into a portable graymap
convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
convert a BMP file into a portable anymap
is replaced by bmptopnm(1)
convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
convert a Berkeley YUV file to a portable pixmap file
Convert compressed FIASCO image to PGM, or PPM
convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
is replaced by gemtopnm(1)
convert a GEM .img file into a portable anymap
convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
convert JPEG/JFIF file to portable pixmap or graymap
convert Interleaf image format to a portable anymap
convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
convert a Microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a portable bitmap
convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
convert an Atari Neochrome .neo into a portable pixmap
convert a Palm pixmap into a portable anymap
cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
remove ever other row from a PAM/PNM image
slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
turn a PAM image into an oil painting
stack planes of multiple PAM images into one PAM image
use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between pixels
flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap
create a blank bitmap of a specified size
create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
create a one page test pattern for printing
enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
render text into a bitmap
render text into a bitmap via postscript
convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
convert a portable bitmap to a Microdesign .mda
convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
convert a portable bitmap to Nokia Smart Messaging Formats
convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
convert PBM image to HP Printer Performance Architecture (PPA)
convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression
convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
convert a portable bitmap to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file
convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
create a Universal Product Code bitmap
convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
Bentleyize a portable graymap
create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
edge-detect a portable graymap
edge-enhance a portable graymap
print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
generate a convolution kernel
create a graymap made up of white noise
is replaced by pnmnorm(1)
is replaced by pamoil(1)
generate a grayscale ramp
extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap
calculate textural features on a portable graymap
convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
convert a Portable Network Graphics file into portable anymap
antialias a portable anyumap.
perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
concatenate portable anymaps
create quantization color map for a portable anymap
composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together
general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
crop a portable anymap
cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
change the maxval in a portable anymap
read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
describe a portable anymap
perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
histogram equalise a portable anymap
draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
is replaced by pamstretch-gen(1)
is replaced by pamstretch(1)
invert a portable anymap
add a border to a portable anymap
create a montage of portable anymaps
non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
is replaced by pnmtoplainpnm(1)
normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
add borders to portable anymap
paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
compute the difference between two portable anymaps
quantize the colors in a Netpbm image to a smaller set
replace colors in a PPM image with colors from another set
rotate a portable anymap by some angle
scale a portable anymap
scale a portable anymap quickly, but less accurate
shear a portable anymap by some angle
smooth out an image
split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files
replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
Convert a portable anymap to FIASCO compressed file
convert a portable anymap into FITS format
convert PNM image to a JFIF ("JPEG") image
convert a portable anymap into a Palm pixmap
convert portable any map to plain (ASCII) anymap format
convert a portable anymap into a Portable Network Graphics file
convert portable anymap to PostScript
convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
convert a portable anymap to a SGI image file
convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
convert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
convert a portable anymap into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
change an images Saturation and Value from an HSV map
change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
draw a CIE color chart as a PPM image
produce mask of areas of a certain color in a PPM file
generate a color map of all colors of a certain maxval
dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
ordered dither for color images
generate a transition between two image files using special effects.
brighten a picture up to complete white-out
fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
print a histogram of a portable pixmap
add text to a portable pixmap
create a pixmap of a specified size and color
blend together two portable pixmaps
is replaced by pnmnorm(1)
make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
make a pretty pixmap
quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
8 plane quantization
Generate a rainbow
run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
add simulated shadows to a portable pixmap image
shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
convert a portable pixmap into a Berkeley YUV file
convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
is replaced by pnmtojpeg(1)
convert portable pixmap to Interleaf image format
convert a portable pixmap to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Color file
extract all colors from a portable pixmap
convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
encodes MPEG-1 bitstreams
convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Neochrome .neo file
convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a Windows .ico
convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV files
make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
convert a Utah Raster Tools RLE image file into a PNM image file.
convert an SBIG CCDOPS file into a portable graymap
convert a SGI image file to a portable anymap
convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
convert an SBIG ST4 format file into a portable graymap
convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
convert HP ThinkJet printer commands file to PBM
convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a portable bitmap (pbm)
convert a Windows .ico file into 1 or more portable pixmap
convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
convert a XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
convert a Y- and a U- and a V-file into a portable pixmap
convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap


411toppm(1), anytopnm(1), asciitopgm(1), atktopbm(1), bioradtopgm(1), bmptopnm(1), brushtopbm(1), cmuwmtopbm(1), eyuvtoppm(1), fiascotopnm(1), fitstopnm(1), fstopgm(1), g3topbm(1), gemtopnm(1), giftopnm(1), gouldtoppm(1), hipstopgm(1), icontopbm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1), jpegtopnm(1), leaftoppm(1), lispmtopgm(1), macptopbm(1), mdatopbm(1), mgrtopbm(1), mtvtoppm(1), neotoppm(1), palmtopnm(1), pamcut(1), pamdeinterlace(1), pamdice(1), pamfile(1), pamoil(1), pamstack(1), pamstretch-gen(1), pamstretch(1), pbmclean(1), pbmlife(1), pbmmake(1), pbmmask(1), pbmpage(1), pbmpscale(1), pbmreduce(1), pbmtext(1), pbmtextps(1), pbmto10x(1), pbmtoascii(1), pbmtoatk(1), pbmtobbnbg(1), pbmtocmuwm(1), pbmtoepsi(1), pbmtoepson(1), pbmtog3(1), pbmtogem(1), pbmtogo(1), pbmtoicon(1), pbmtolj(1), pbmtomacp(1), pbmtomda(1), pbmtomgr(1), pbmtonokia(1), pbmtopgm(1), pbmtopi3(1), pbmtoplot(1), pbmtoppa(1), pbmtopsg3(1), pbmtoptx(1), pbmtowbmp(1), pbmtox10bm(1), pbmtoxbm(1), pbmtoybm(1), pbmtozinc(1), pbmupc(1), pcxtoppm(1), pgmbentley(1), pgmcrater(1), pgmedge(1), pgmenhance(1), pgmhist(1), pgmkernel(1), pgmnoise(1), pgmramp(1), pgmslice(1), pgmtexture(1), pgmtofs(1), pgmtolispm(1), pgmtopbm(1), pgmtoppm(1), pi1toppm(1), pi3topbm(1), pjtoppm(1), pngtopnm(1), pnmalias(1), pnmarith(1), pnmcat(1), pnmcolormap(1), pnmcomp(1), pnmconvol(1), pnmcrop(1), pnmcut(1), pnmdepth(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmfile(1), pnmflip(1), pnmgamma(1), pnmhisteq(1), pnmhistmap(1), pnmindex(1), pnminvert(1), pnmmargin(1), pnmmontage(1), pnmnlfilt(1), pnmnorm(1), pnmpad(1), pnmpaste(1), pnmpsnr(1), pnmquant(1), pnmremap(1), pnmrotate(1), pnmscale(1), pnmscalefixed(1), pnmshear(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnmsplit(1), pnmtile(1), pnmtoddif(1), pnmtofiasco(1), pnmtofits(1), pnmtojpeg(1), pnmtopalm(1), pnmtoplainpnm(1), pnmtopng(1), pnmtops(1), pnmtorast(1), pnmtorle(1), pnmtosgi(1), pnmtosir(1), pnmtotiff(1), pnmtotiffcmyk(1), pnmtoxwd(1), ppm3d(1), ppmbrighten(1), ppmchange(1), ppmcie(1), ppmcolormask(1), ppmcolors(1), ppmdim(1), ppmdist(1), ppmdither(1), ppmfade(1), ppmflash(1), ppmforge(1), ppmhist(1), ppmlabel(1), ppmmake(1), ppmmix(1), ppmntsc(1), ppmpat(1), ppmquant(1), ppmquantall(1), ppmqvga(1), ppmrainbow(1), ppmrelief(1), ppmshadow(1), ppmshift(1), ppmspread(1), ppmtoacad(1), ppmtobmp(1), ppmtoeyuv(1), ppmtoicr(1), ppmtoilbm(1), ppmtoleaf(1), ppmtolj(1), ppmtomap(1), ppmtomitsu(1), ppmtompeg(1), ppmtoneo(1), ppmtopcx(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmtopi1(1), ppmtopict(1), ppmtopj(1), ppmtopuzz(1), ppmtorgb3(1), ppmtosixel(1), ppmtotga(1), ppmtouil(1), ppmtowinicon(1), ppmtoxpm(1), ppmtoyuv(1), ppmtoyuvsplit(1), ppmtv(1), psidtopgm(1), pstopnm(1), qrttoppm(1), rasttopnm(1), rawtopgm(1), rawtoppm(1), rgb3toppm(1), rletopnm(1), sbigtopgm(1), sgitopnm(1), sirtopnm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), sputoppm(1), st4topgm(1), tgatoppm(1), thinkjettopbm(1), tifftopnm(1), wbmptopbm(1), winicontoppm(1), xbmtopbm(1), ximtoppm(1), xpmtoppm(1), xvminitoppm(1), xwdtopnm(1), ybmtopbm(1), yuvsplittoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1), zeisstopnm(1).


Many. See the individual manual pages.

08 February 1994