.TH EBLAST 1 2021-03-13 NCBI "NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual" .SH NAME eblast \- perform a remote NCBI BLAST protein query (DEPRECATED) .SH SYNOPSIS \fBeblast\fP (\fBedirect\ \-blast\fP) .SH DESCRIPTION \fBNote:\fP \fBeblast\fP will not appear in future releases of NCBI Entrez Direct. Instead, please use \fBblastp \-remote \-db nr \-outfmt 5 \-query \-\fP. \fBeblast\fP reads one or more FASTA\-formatted protein sequences from standard input and performs an online search for similar sequences in NCBI's \fBnr\fP database, yielding BLAST XML output on standard output. .SH SEE ALSO .BR edirect (1), .BR efetch (1), .BR protein\-neighbors (1), .BR xtract (1).