.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "VCFINTERSECT" "1" "" "vcfintersect (vcflib)" "vcfintersect (VCF transformation)" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]vcfintersect\f[R] .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]vcfintersect\f[R] options [] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP VCF set analysis .SH OPTIONS .IP .nf \f[C] options: -b, --bed FILE use intervals provided by this BED file -R, --region REGION use 1-based tabix-style region (e.g. chrZ:10-20), multiples allowed -S, --start-only don\[aq]t use the reference length information in the record to determine overlap status, just use the start posiion -v, --invert invert the selection, printing only records which would not have been printed out -i, --intersect-vcf FILE use this VCF for set intersection generation -u, --union-vcf FILE use this VCF for set union generation -w, --window-size N compare records up to this many bp away (default 30) -r, --reference FILE FASTA reference file, required with -i and -u -l, --loci output whole loci when one alternate allele matches -m, --ref-match intersect on the basis of record REF string -t, --tag TAG attach TAG to each record\[aq]s info field if it would intersect -V, --tag-value VAL use this value to indicate that the allele is passing \[aq].\[aq] will be used otherwise. default: \[aq]PASS\[aq] -M, --merge-from FROM-TAG -T, --merge-to TO-TAG merge from FROM-TAG used in the -i file, setting TO-TAG in the current file. For bed-vcf intersection, alleles which fall into the targets are retained. Haplotype aware intersection, union and complement. Use for intersection and union of VCF files: unify on equivalent alleles within window-size bp as determined by haplotype comparison alleles. type: transformation \f[R] .fi .SH EXIT VALUES .TP \f[B]0\f[R] Success .TP \f[B]not 0\f[R] Failure .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]vcflib\f[R](1) .SH OTHER .SH LICENSE .PP Copyright 2011-2023 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed. .SH AUTHORS Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors.