.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii svm-train.1 .\" .TH svm-train 1 "MAY 2006" Linux "User Manuals" .SH NAME svm-train \- train one or more SVM instance(s) on a given data set to produce a model file .SH SYNOPSIS .B svm-train [-s .I svm_type .B ] [ -t .I kernel_type .B ] [ -d .I degree .B ] [ -g .I gamma .B ] [ -r .I coef0 .B ] [ -c .I cost .B ] [ -n .I nu .B ] [ -p .I epsilon .B ] [ -m .I cachesize .B ] [ -e .I epsilon .B ] [ -h .I shrinking .B ] [ -b .I probability_estimates ] .B ] [ -wi .I weight .B ] [ -v .I n .B ] [ -q ] .I training_set_file [ model_file ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B svm-train trains a Support Vector Machine to learn the data indicated in the .I training_set_file and produce a .I model_file to save the results of the learning optimization. This model can be used later with .BR svm_predict (1) or other LIBSVM enabled software. .SH OPTIONS .IP "-s svm_type" svm_type defaults to 0 and can be any value between 0 and 4 as follows: .TP .B 0 -- .I C-SVC .TP .B 1 -- .I nu-SVC .TP .B 2 -- .I one-class SVM .TP .B 3 -- .I epsilon-SVR .TP .B 4 -- .I nu-SVR .IP "-t kernel_type" kernel_type defaults to 2 (Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel) and can be any value between 0 and 4 as follows: .TP .B 0 -- .I linear: u.v .TP .B 1 -- .I polynomial: (gamma*u.v + coef0)^degree .TP .B 2 -- .I radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2) .TP .B 3 -- .I sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u.v + coef0) .TP .B 4 -- .I precomputed kernel (kernel values in training_set_file) -- .IP "-d degree" Sets the .I degree of the kernel function, defaulting to 3 .IP "-g gamma" Adjusts the .I gamma in the kernel function (default 1/k) .IP "-r coef0" Sets the .I coef0 (constant offset) in the kernel function (default 0) .IP "-c cost" Sets the parameter C ( .I cost ) of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1) .IP "-n nu" Sets the parameter .I nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5) .IP "-p epsilon" Set the .I epsilon in the loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1) .IP "-m cachesize" Set the cache memory size to .I cachesize in MB (default 100) .IP "-e epsilon" Set the tolerance of termination criterion to .I epsilon (default 0.001) .IP "-h shrinking" Whether to use the .I shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1) .IP "-b probability-estimates" .I probability_estimates is a binary value indicating whether to calculate probability estimates when training the SVC or SVR model. Values are 0 or 1 and defaults to 0 for speed. .IP "-wi weight" Set the parameter C (cost) of class .I i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1) .IP "-v n" Set .I n for .I n \-fold cross validation mode .IP "-q" quiet mode; suppress messages to stdout. .SH FILES .I training_set_file must be prepared in the following simple sparse training vector format: .TP