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CLOGIT(3) Common Library Functions CLOGIT(3)


Clogit - log server messages in local log or in system logger


#include "Clog.h"

int Cinitlog (char *cmd, char *logfile)

int Clogit (int level, char *func, char *msg, ...)

int Cvlogit (int level, char *func, char *msg, va_list ap)


Cinitlog initializes the server logging routines.

Clogit logs server messages in a local log or in the system logger.

Cvlogit is the same as Clogit but takes a va_list instead of a variable number of arguments.

specifies a string to be prepended to the syslog messages.
specifies a path for the server log file. If set to syslog, the system logger will be used. By default, only messages with level at least as important as LOG_INFO will be logged. The level threshold can be changed with the environment variable LOG_PRIORITY.
is associated with the message. The possible values, in order of decreasing importance are:
is the name of the function that issues the message.
is a format as in printf.


These routines return 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.


logfile is a NULL pointer.
The length of logfile exceeds CA_MAXPATHLEN.
$Date$ LCG