.\" source: .\" /var/cvs/projects/debian/cracklib/debian/dpkg.src/cracklib2-dev.FascistCheck.3.in,v .\" .\" revision: .\" @(#) cracklib2-dev.FascistCheck.3.in,v 1.6 1999/03/29 15:30:21 jplejacq Exp .\" .\" copyright: .\" Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Jean Pierre LeJacq .\" .\" Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. .\" .TH FascistCheck 3 "Wed, 3 Oct 2001 01:37:09 +0100" "2.7-8.5" "Debian GNU/Linux manual" .SH NAME FascistCheck \- a pro-active password checker library .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .B "static char const CRACKLIB_DICTPATH[] = \ .\|.\|.;" .sp .B "extern char const *" .br .B "FascistCheck(char const passwd[], char const dictpath[]);" .SH DESCRIPTION cracklib is a library containing the .B FascistCheck C function which may be used in a "passwd" like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by "crack" by filtering them out, at source. cracklib is an offshoot of the the version 5 of the "crack" software and contains a considerable number of ideas nicked from the new software. The first formal argument .B password is the potential password. The second formal argument .B dictpath is the full path name + filename prefix of the cracklib dictionary database. .B FascistCheck returns the NULL pointer for a good password, or a pointer to a diagnostic string if it is a weak password. The database is in a binary format generated by the utilities .BR crack_mkdict (8) and .BR crack_packer (8). On a Debian system the database is located in the directory defined by the static constant .B CRACKLIB_DICTPATH and is set to /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict. None of the subroutines in the cracklib libraries have this location hard-coded into their implementations. It is generated daily with the program /etc/cron.daily/cracklib. .SH FILES .TP .I /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict.[hwm|pwd|pwi] cracklib dictionary database files used by utilities. .TP .I /etc/cron.daily/cracklib cracklib daily cron program to rebuild the cracklib dictionary database. .TP .I /etc/cracklib/cracklib.conf cracklib configuration file used by the cracklib daily cron program to rebuild the cracklib dictionary database. .TP .I /usr/sbin/crack_mkdict cracklib shell script to create initial list of words for dictionary database. .TP .I /usr/share/doc/cracklib2-dev/examples Example .BR cc (1) source files that show how .B FascistCheck is used. .SH SEE ALSO .BR crack_teststr (8), .BR crack_mkdict (8), .BR update\-cracklib (8) .br /usr/share/doc/cracklib2-dev/examples .br /usr/share/doc/cracklib2/cracklib2.html .br /usr/share/doc/cracklib2-dev/cracklib2-dev.html .SH AUTHOR .B cracklib2 is written by Alec Muffett . Manual added by Jean Pierre LeJacq .