.TH "FBB::Pipe" "3bobcat" "2005\-2023" "libbobcat\-dev_6\&.04\&.00" "System Level Communication Pipe" .PP .SH "NAME" FBB::Pipe \- Defines a system level communication pipe .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fB#include \fP .br Linking option: \fI\-lbobcat\fP .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBFBB::Pipe\fP objects may be used to construct a \fIpipe\fP\&. \fIPipe\fP objects offer a simple interface to the reading and writing ends of pipes\&. \fIPipe\fP objects are object\-wrappers around the \fBpipe\fP(2) system call\&. .PP A \fIPipe\fP object which is created just before a program forks can be used to set up a line of communication between the parent and child process\&. Information which is written by the child process to its standard output stream can be redirected to the writing end of the pipe (using the \fIwrittenBy\fP member)\&. The information appearing at the reading end of the pipe can then be extracted using, e\&.g\&., an \fIIFdStream\fP object, initialized with the \fIPipe\fP\(cq\&s reading file descriptor, or the reading end of the pipe can be redirected to an existing stream whose file descriptor is known, like \fIcin\fP (which uses the \fISTDIN_FILENO\fP file descriptor)\&. .PP When a \fIPipe\fP object goes out of scope, no \fBclose\fP(2) operation is performed on the pipe\(cq\&s file descriptors\&. After setting up the pipe using the \fIPipe\(cq\&s\fP member functions and passing the \fIPipe\(cq\&s\fP file descriptors to code that uses the \fIPipe\(cq\&s\fP descriptors, the \fIPipe\fP object might even be destroyed\&. The using code is responsible for closing the pipe\&. If the pipe should be closed at destruction time, then a class could be derived from \fBPipe\fP(3bobcat), whose destructor may then close the pipe\&. Alternatively, \fIPope\(cq\&s close\fP member can be called\&. .PP The value \-1 indicates that a file descriptor does not refer to a \fBpipe\fP(2) file descriptor\&. .PP .SH "NAMESPACE" \fBFBB\fP .br All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man\-page, are defined in the namespace \fBFBB\fP\&. .PP .SH "INHERITS FROM" \- .PP .SH "CONSTRUCTORS" .IP o \fBPipe()\fP: .br The default \fIPipe\fP constructor constructs a pipe, calling \fBpipe\fP(2)\&. .IP This constructor throws an \fIException\fP exception if the default \fIPipe\fP constructor did not properly complete\&. The thrown \fBException\fP object\(cq\&s \fIwhich()\fP member shows the system\(cq\&s \fIerrno\fP value set by the failing \fBpipe\fP(2) function\&. .IP .IP o \fBPipe(Pipe &&tmp)\fP: .br The move constructor moves the temporary object\(cq\&s file descriptors to the \fIPipe\fP object being constructed\&. .IP .IP o \fBPipe(int const *fd)\fP: .br This constructor expects two file descriptors, referring to the read and write file descriptors as returned by \fBpipe\fP(2)\&. .IP .IP o \fBPipe(bool initialize)\fP: .br This constructor can be used when the \fIPipe\fP object should not be associated with an existing pipe\&. Instead when, \fIinitialize == false\fP, it initializes its read and write file descriptors to \-1\&. This constructor may be used by classes that define \fIPipe\fP data members which can only open their pipes after the object has been constructed\&. Having constructing a \fIPipe obj{ false }\fP object it can be associated with an open pipe using \fIobj = Pipe{}\fP\&. or \fIobj\&.reset()\fP\&. When passing the argument \fItrue\fP it initializes its pipe (cf\&. \fBpipe\fP(2))\&. Copy construction and copy assignment are not defined\&. .PP Note that \fIPipe\(cq\&s\fP destructor does not close the pipe\(cq\&s file descriptors\&. To close the pipes \fIclose\fP must be called\&. .PP .SH "OVERLOADED OPERATOR" .PP .IP o \fBPipe &operator=(Pipe &&tmp)\fP: .br The overloaded move assignment operator closes the current pipe and moves \fItmp\(cq\&s\fP pipes to the current \fIPipe\fP object\&. .PP .SH "MEMBER FUNCTIONS" .PP .IP o \fBvoid close()\fP: .br Both file descriptors of the \fIPipe\fP object are closed; .IP .IP o \fBvoid closeReadFd()\fP: .br The file descriptor of the \fIPipe\fP object that is associated with the reading end of the pipe is closed; .IP .IP o \fBvoid closeWriteFd()\fP: .br The file descriptor of the \fIPipe\fP object that is associated with the writing end of the pipe is closed; .IP .IP o \fBint readFd() const\fP: .br Returns the pipe\(cq\&s file descriptor that is used for reading .IP .IP o \fBvoid readFrom(int filedescriptor)\fP: .br Sets up redirection from the internal \fIread\fP filedescriptor to the given filedescriptor: information written to the write\-end of the pipe may be retrieved by extracting the information from the stream that is associated with the indicated file descriptor\&. E\&.g\&., after the call \fIreadFrom(STDIN_FILENO)\fP information inserted into the write\-end of the pipe can be retrieved from \fIcin\fP\&. The original read file descriptor and the pipe\(cq\&s write file descriptor are closed\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid readFrom(int const *filedescriptors, size_t n)\fP: .br Sets up redirection from the internal \fIread\fP filedescriptor to the given filedescriptors: information is read from the \fIPipe\fP object when reading from any of the \fBn\fP provided filedescriptors\&. The original read file descriptor and the pipe\(cq\&s write file descriptor are closed\&. .IP .IP o \fBint readOnly()\fP: .br Closes the writing end of the pipe, returns the reading end\(cq\&s file descriptor\&. This member can be used, e\&.g\&., to construct an \fIIFdStream\fP object to extract the information that is inserted into the write\-end of the pipe\&. .IP .IP o \fBint readOnlyFd()\fP: .br Same as the previous member, but sets the internally used read file descriptor to \-1 (this member can be used to, e\&.g\&., pass the read file descriptor to another object which eventually closes the pipe\(cq\&s reading end)\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid reset()\fP: .br Closes the the current pipe and reopens it with new pipe read and write destriptors\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid reset(int const *fds)\fP: .br Closes the the current pipe and reopens it with the read and write file destriptors provided by the first two elements of \fIfds\fP\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid swap(Pipe &other)\fP: .br The current and other \fIPipe\fP objects are swapped\&. Following this call the current \fIPipe\fP objects refer to the other object\(cq\&s pipe file descriptors and vice versa\&. .IP .IP o \fBint writeFd() const\fP: .br Returns the pipe\(cq\&s file descriptor that is used for writing\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid writtenBy(int filedescriptor)\fP: .br Sets up redirection from the internal \fIwrite\fP filedescriptor to the given filedescriptor: information is written to the \fIPipe\fP object when writing to the provided filedescriptor\&. E\&.g\&., after the call \fIwrittenBy(STDOUT_FILENO)\fP information sent to the standard output stream (by either \fIcout\fP or by a child process (cf\&. \fBexec\fP(3))) is inserted into the write\-end of the pipe\&. The original write file descriptor and the pipe\(cq\&s read file descriptor are closed\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid writtenBy(int const *filedescriptors, size_t n)\fP: .br Sets up redirection from the internal \fIwrite\fP filedescriptor to the given filedescriptors: information is inserted into the write\-end of the \fIPipe\fP object when writing to each of the \fBn\fP provided filedescriptors\&. E\&.g\&., when passing an array of two \fIint\fP values, respectively equal to \fISTDOUT_FILENO\fP and \fISTDERR_FILENO\fP to this member, all information which is thereafter sent to the standard output or error streams is inserted into the write\-end of the pipe\&. The original write file descriptor and the pipe\(cq\&s read file descriptor are closed\&. .IP .IP o \fBint writeOnly()\fP: .br Closes the reading end of the pipe, returns the writing end\(cq\&s file descriptor\&. .IP .IP o \fBint writeOnlyFd()\fP: .br Same as the previous member, but sets the internally used write file descriptor to \-1 (this member can be used to, e\&.g\&., pass the write file descriptor to another object which eventually closes the pipe\(cq\&s writing end)\&. .PP .SH "PROTECTED ENUMERATION" The \fBRW\fP protected enumeration has the following elements: .PP .IP o \fBREAD\fP: .br The index in \fBd_fd[]\fP (see below) of the element holding the pipe\(cq\&s reading file descriptor; .IP .IP o \fBWRITE\fP: .br The index in \fBd_fd[]\fP (see below) of the element holding the pipe\(cq\&s writing file descriptor .PP .SH "PROTECTED MEMBER FUNCTION" .PP .IP o \fBvoid close(RW rw)\fP: .br When passing argument RW::READ to this member the reading end of the \fIPipe\fP object\(cq\&s pipe is closed\&. When passing argument RW::WRITE the writing end of the \fIPipe\fP object\(cq\&s pipe is closed\&. .IP .IP o \fBint *fd()\fP: .br Returns a pointer to the two file descriptors (respectively READ and WRITE) currently used by the \fIPipe\fP object\&. .PP .SH "EXAMPLE" .nf #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace FBB; int main() { Pipe pipe; // construct a pipe cout << \(dq\&Read file descriptor: \(dq\& << pipe\&.readFd() << \(dq\&\en\(dq\& \(dq\&Write file descriptor: \(dq\& << pipe\&.writeFd() << endl; int pid = fork(); if (pid == \-1) return 1; if (pid == 0) //child { pipe\&.readFrom(STDIN_FILENO); // read what goes into the pipe string s; getline(cin, s); cout << \(dq\&CHILD: Got `\(dq\& << s << \(dq\&\(cq\&\en\(dq\&; getline(cin, s); cout << \(dq\&CHILD: Got `\(dq\& << s << \(dq\&\(cq\&\en\(dq\&; return 0; } pipe\&.writtenBy(STDOUT_FILENO); // write to the pipe via cout cout << \(dq\&first line\(dq\& << \(dq\&\en\(dq\& \(dq\&second line\(dq\& << \(cq\&\en\(cq\&; waitpid(pid, 0, 0); } .fi .PP See also the 2nd example at \fBfork\fP(3bobcat) .PP .SH "FILES" \fIbobcat/pipe\fP \- defines the class interface .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBbobcat\fP(7), \fBfork\fP(3bobcat), \fBpipe\fP(2), \fBmkfifo\fP(3) .PP .SH "BUGS" Note that when a \fIPipe\fP object goes out of scope, no \fBclose\fP(2) operation is performed on the pipe\(cq\&s ends\&. If the pipe should be closed by the destructor, derive a class from \fBPipe\fP(3bobcat), whose destructor performs the required closing\-operation\&. .PP .SH "BOBCAT PROJECT FILES" .PP .IP o \fIhttps://fbb\-git\&.gitlab\&.io/bobcat/\fP: gitlab project page; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x\&.dsc\fP: detached signature; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x\&.tar\&.gz\fP: source archive; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x_i386\&.changes\fP: change log; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1_6\&.04\&.00\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1\-dev_6\&.04\&.00\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages; .PP .SH "BOBCAT" Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken\(cq\&s Own Base Classes And Templates\(cq\&\&. .PP .SH "COPYRIGHT" This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" Frank B\&. Brokken (\fBf\&.b\&.brokken@rug\&.nl\fP)\&. .PP