.TH "FBB::IQuotedPrintableStream" "3bobcat" "2005\-2023" "libbobcat\-dev_6\&.04\&.00" "QuotedPrintable encoding/decoding std::istream" .PP .SH "NAME" FBB::IQuotedPrintableStream \- Std::istream performing quoted\-printable encoding and decoding .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fB#include \fP .br Linking option: \fI\-lbobcat\fP .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBFBB::IQuotedPrintableStream\fP objects may be used to quoted\-printable encode or decode information that is available on a separate \fIstd::istream\fP\&. .PP The \fIclass IQuotedPrintableStream\fP is a class template, using a \fIFBB::CodeType\fP template non\-type parameter\&. Objects of the class \fIFBB::IQuotedPrintableStream\fP encode the information they receive, objects of the class \fIFBB::IQuotedPrintableStream\fP decode the information they receive\&. .PP .SH "NAMESPACE" \fBFBB\fP .br All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man\-page, are defined in the namespace \fBFBB\fP\&. .PP .SH "INHERITS FROM" \fBFBB::IQuotedPrintableBuf\fP (private), .br \fBstd::istream\fP .PP .SH "CONSTRUCTORS" .IP o \fBIQuotedPrintableStream(std::istream &in, size_t bufSize = 1000)\fP: .br This constructor initializes a \fIstd::istream\fP providing it with an \fBFBB::IQuotedPrintableBuf\fP stream buffer\&. The \fBIQuotedPrintableBuf\fP\(cq\&s constructor receives all arguments that are passed to this constructor\&. .IP \- \fIIQuotedPrintableStream\fP objects perform quoted printable encodi ng; .br \- \fIIQuotedPrintableStream\fP objects perform quoted printable decoding; .br \- \fIIQuotedPrintableStream\fP objects obtain the bytes to encode or decode from \fIstd::istream &in\fP; .br \- The internally used \fIIFilterBuf\fP is initialized with a buffer of size \fIbufSize\fP, using a lower bound of 100\&. .IP The constructor uses a configurable buffer size for reading\&. Characters that were read into the buffer but are not part of the actual quoted printable encoded data are unavailable after completing the quoted printable decoding\&. If information beyond the quoted printable input block should remain available, then specify a buffer size of 1\&. .PP Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are not available\&. .PP .SH "INHERITED MEMBERS" .PP Since the class uses public derivation from \fBstd::istream\fP, all members of this class can be used\&. .PP .SH "EXAMPLE" .nf #include #include using namespace std; using namespace FBB; int main() { IQuotedPrintableStream in(cin); cout << in\&.rdbuf(); // quoted printable encode the info on // cin\&. } .fi .PP See also the example in the \fBiquotedprintablebuf\fP(3bobcat) man\-page\&. .PP .SH "FILES" \fIbobcat/iquoted printablestream\fP \- defines the class interface .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBbobcat\fP(7), \fBiquotedprintablebuf\fP(3bobcat) .PP .SH "BUGS" None Reported\&. .PP .SH "BOBCAT PROJECT FILES" .PP .IP o \fIhttps://fbb\-git\&.gitlab\&.io/bobcat/\fP: gitlab project page; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x\&.dsc\fP: detached signature; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x\&.tar\&.gz\fP: source archive; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.04\&.00\-x_i386\&.changes\fP: change log; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1_6\&.04\&.00\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1\-dev_6\&.04\&.00\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages; .PP .SH "BOBCAT" Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken\(cq\&s Own Base Classes And Templates\(cq\&\&. .PP .SH "COPYRIGHT" This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" Frank B\&. Brokken (\fBf\&.b\&.brokken@rug\&.nl\fP)\&. .PP