.\" WARNING! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY c2man! .\" DO NOT EDIT! CHANGES MADE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST! .TH "aa_autoinit" 3 "8 September 1999" "c2man aalib.h" .SH "NAME" aa_autoinit \- easy to use AA-lib initialization function. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .ft B #include .sp aa_context *aa_autoinit(const struct aa_hardware_params *params); .ft R .SH "PARAMETERS" .TP .B "const struct aa_hardware_params *params" Hardware parameters you want. Use aa_defparams for default values. .SH "DESCRIPTION" Attempts to find available output driver supporting the specified parameters. First attempts to initialize the recommended drivers and then in order drivers available in the aa_drivers array (all regular output drivers compiled into AA-lib). .SH "RETURNS" Pointer to initialized context structure when succesfull or NULL on failure. .SH "SEE ALSO" save_d(3), mem_d(3), aa_help(3), aa_formats(3), aa_fonts(3), aa_dithernames(3), aa_drivers(3), aa_kbddrivers(3), aa_mousedrivers(3), aa_kbdrecommended(3), aa_mouserecommended(3), aa_displayrecommended(3), aa_defparams(3), aa_defrenderparams(3), aa_scrwidth(3), aa_scrheight(3), aa_mmwidth(3), aa_mmheight(3), aa_imgwidth(3), aa_imgheight(3), aa_image(3), aa_text(3), aa_attrs(3), aa_currentfont(3), aa_autoinitkbd(3), aa_autoinitmouse(3), aa_recommendhi(3), aa_recommendlow(3), aa_init(3), aa_initkbd(3), aa_initmouse(3), aa_close(3), aa_uninitkbd(3), aa_uninitmouse(3), aa_fastrender(3), aa_render(3), aa_puts(3), aa_printf(3), aa_gotoxy(3), aa_hidecursor(3), aa_showcursor(3), aa_getmouse(3), aa_hidemouse(3), aa_showmouse(3), aa_registerfont(3), aa_setsupported(3), aa_setfont(3), aa_getevent(3), aa_getkey(3), aa_resize(3), aa_resizehandler(3), aa_parseoptions(3), aa_edit(3), aa_createedit(3), aa_editkey(3), aa_putpixel(3), aa_recommendhikbd(3), aa_recommendlowkbd(3), aa_recommendhimouse(3), aa_recommendlowmouse(3), aa_recommendhidisplay(3), aa_recommendlowdisplay(3)