.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.3 .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "LAZYGAL.CONF" "5" "" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP lazygal.conf - Configuration file for lazygal, a static web gallery generator. .SH FORMAT DESCRIPTION .PP lazygal is configured using JSON files. The format looks like this: .IP .nf \f[C] { \[dq]sectionname\[dq]: { \[dq]variable\[dq] : \[dq]string value \[dq], \[dq]boolean\[dq] : false, \[dq]list\[dq] : [\[dq]foo\[dq], \[dq]bar\[dq]], \[dq]dictionary\[dq] : { \[dq]key1\[dq]: \[dq]value1\[dq], \[dq]key2\[dq]: \[dq]value2\[dq] } }, \[dq]othersection\[dq]: { \[dq]foo\[dq] : \[dq]bar\[dq] } } \f[R] .fi .PP This format is the preferred way to configure LAZYGAL. .SH LEGACY FORMAT DESCRIPTION (INI) .PP The configuration file can also be an INI like file. The format looks like this: .IP .nf \f[C] [sectionname] variable = string value boolean = Yes list = foo, bar dictionary = key1=value1, key2=value2 [othersection] foo = bar \f[R] .fi .PP In this INI format, boolean values can be conveniently set in the following ways: .IP \[bu] 2 For \f[V]True\f[R]: \f[V]1\f[R], \f[V]yes\f[R], \f[V]true\f[R], and \f[V]on\f[R]. .IP \[bu] 2 For \f[V]False\f[R]: \f[V]0\f[R], \f[V]no\f[R], \f[V]false\f[R], and \f[V]off\f[R]. .PP Please refer to the python \f[V]ConfigParser\f[R] documentation (http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html) for more information on the file format. .SH runtime section .PP The \f[V]runtime\f[R] defines the runtime parameters. .TP quiet Boolean. Same as \f[V]--quiet\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R]. (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .TP debug Boolean. Same as \f[V]--debug\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R] (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .TP check-all-dirs Boolean. Same as \f[V]--check-all-dirs\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R]. (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .SH global section .PP The \f[V]global\f[R] defines the global parameters. Those parameters apply to all the sub-galleries. .TP output-directory Same as \f[V]--output-directory=DEST_DIR\f[R] in LAZYGAL (default is current directory). .TP clean-destination Boolean. Same as \f[V]--clean-destination\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R]. .TP preserve Same as \f[V]--preserve=PATTERN\f[R] in LAZYGAL. Multiple values may be separated by commas. .TP exclude Same as \f[V]--exclude=PATTERN\f[R] in LAZYGAL. Multiple values may be separated by commas. .TP dir-flattening-depth Same as \f[V]--dir-flattening-depth=LEVEL\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP puburl Same as \f[V]--puburl=PUB_URL\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP theme Same as \f[V]--theme=THEME\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .SH webgal section .PP The \f[V]webgal\f[R] defines the parameters for a web-gallery. .TP default-style Same as \f[V]--default-style=DEFAULT_STYLE\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP webalbumpic-bg Same as \f[V]--webalbum-pic-bg=WEBALBUMPIC_BG\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP webalbumpic-type Same as \f[V]--webalbum-pic-type=WEBALBUMPIC_BG\f[R] in LAZYGAL. If you set this to \[aq]tidy\[aq] you may also consider setting \f[V]webalbumpic-size\f[R] (see below) to something smaller than the default 200x150. .TP webalbumpic-size Size of picture mash-up representing galleries, eg. 200x150. .TP image-size Same as \f[V]--image-size=IMAGE_SIZE\f[R] in LAZYGAL. Syntax in the config file can be either of the following equivalent forms: .RS .IP .nf \f[C] \[dq]image-size\[dq]: [ {\[dq]name\[dq]: \[dq]small\[dq], \[dq]defs\[dq]: \[dq]800x600\[dq], \[dq]default\[dq]: true}, {\[dq]name\[dq]: \[dq]medium\[dq], \[dq]defs\[dq]: \[dq]1024x768\[dq]} ] \f[R] .fi .PP or with implicit default as first entry: .IP .nf \f[C] \[dq]image-size\[dq]: { \[dq]small\[dq] : \[dq]800x600\[dq], \[dq]medium\[dq]: \[dq]1024x768\[dq] } \f[R] .fi .RE .TP thumbnail-size Same as \f[V]--thumbnail-size=THUMBNAIL_SIZE\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP video-size Size of videos, eg. 0x0. Refer to the IMAGE RESIZE DESCRIPTION section for more information on the available syntax. .RS .PP In addition, size can be the name of a previously declared image-size. .RE .TP thumbs-per-page Same as \f[V]--thumbs-per-page=THUMBS_PER_PAGE\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP sort-medias Same as \f[V]--pic-sort-by=ORDER\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP sort-subgals Same as \f[V]--subgal-sort-by=ORDER\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP original Boolean. Same as \f[V]--original\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R] (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .TP original-baseurl Same as \f[V]--orig-base=RELATIVE_PATH\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP original-symlink Boolean. Same as \f[V]--orig-symlink\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R] (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .TP dirzip Same as \f[V]--make-dir-zip\f[R] in LAZYGAL if \f[V]True\f[R] (default is \f[V]False\f[R]). .TP jpeg-quality Same as \f[V]--quality=QUALITY\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .TP jpeg-optimize Boolean. Run an extra optimization pass for each generated thumbnail if \f[V]True\f[R], the default. .TP jpeg-progressive Generate progressive JPEG images if \f[V]True\f[R], the default. .TP publish-metadata Publish image metadata if \f[V]True\f[R], the default: copy original image metadata in reduced picture, and include some information in the image page. .TP filter-by-tag Same as \f[V]--filter-by-tag=TAG\f[R] in LAZYGAL. .SH template-vars section .PP The \f[V]template-vars\f[R] defines the custom template variables. The variables and their value are listed in this section. .PP For instance, \f[V]$footer\f[R] is a template variable in the \f[V]default\f[R] template. Its value can be defined with this configuration file: .IP .nf \f[C] { \[dq]template-vars\[dq]: { \[dq]footer\[dq]: \[dq]

All pics are copyright 2011 me

\[dq] } } \f[R] .fi .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]lazygal\f[R](1) .SH AUTHOR .PP This manual page was written for the DEBIAN system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. .PP On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. .SH AUTHORS Alexandre Rossi.