polygons(3U) | InterViews Reference Manual | polygons(3U) |
Rect, S_Rect, F_Rect, SF_Rect, Polygon, S_Polygon, F_Polygon,SF_Polygon - structured graphics classes for rectangles and polygons
#include <Unidraw/Graphic/polygons.h>
Rect and Polygon serve as abstract base classes for rectangle andpolygon structured graphics. They are derived from Graphic andVertices, respectively. Predefined subclasses include S_Rect, F_Rect,and SF_Rect, which draw stroked, filled, and stroked-filledrectangles, respectively; and S_Polygon, F_Polygon, and SF_Polygon,which draw stroked, filled, and stroked-filled polygons, respectively.The stroked subclasses store a PSBrush, the filled subclasses store aPSPattern, and the stroked-filled subclasses store one of each.
- void GetOriginal(Coord& x0, Coord& y0, Coord& x1, Coord& y1)
- Return the rectangle's geometry, as specified in the constructor.(x0, y0) defines one corner of the rectangle, while (x1, y1) defines the opposing corner.
- Rectangle(Coord x0, Coord y0, Coord x1, Coord y1, Graphic* = nil)
- The constructor is protected to disallow instantiation of the abstractbase class. A rectangle's geometry is defined by two points,corresponding to opposing corners of the rectangle. The constructoralso takes an optional graphic from which to obtain an initial set ofgraphics state.
- void s_getExtent(
- float&, float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*
- )
- void f_getExtent(
- float&, float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*
- )
- boolean s_contains(PointObj&, Graphic*)
- boolean f_contains(PointObj&, Graphic*)
- boolean s_intersects(BoxObj&, Graphic*)
- boolean f_intersects(BoxObj&, Graphic*)
- Helper functions that return extent and hit detection informationbased on the bounding box that the rectangle defines. s_getExtent,s_contains, and s_intersects return information that accounts for thewidth of a brush, as would be necessary if the rectangle is stroked,while f_getExtent, f_contains, and f_intersects assumes that therectangle is filled. Subclasses can use the operations to helpimplement their getExtent, contains, and intersects operations.
- S_Rect(Coord x0, Coord y0, Coord x1, Coord y1, Graphic* = nil)
- F_Rect(Coord x0, Coord y0, Coord x1, Coord y1, Graphic* = nil)
- SF_Rect(Coord x0, Coord y0, Coord x1, Coord y1, Graphic* = nil)
- Constructors for the various predefined Rect subclasses.
- Polygon(Coord* x, Coord* y, int count, Graphic* = nil)
- Polygon's constructor is protected to prevent instantiation of theabstract base class. The parameters are passed directly to theVertices constructor.
- S_Polygon(Coord* x, Coord* y, int count, Graphic* = nil)
- F_Polygon(Coord* x, Coord* y, int count, Graphic* = nil)
- SF_Polygon(Coord* x, Coord* y, int count, Graphic* = nil)
- Constructors for the various predefined Rect subclasses.
Graphic(3U), Vertices(3U), geomobjs(3U), pspaint(3U)
2 February 1991 | Unidraw |