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datas(3U) InterViews Reference Manual datas(3U)


ColorData, GSData, MobilityData, MoveData, VoidData - Data subclassesfor storing common undo information


#include <Unidraw/Commands/datas.h>


The Unidraw library predefines several Data subclasses for storingcommon undo information: ColorData stores two PSColors (usuallyrepresenting foreground and background colors), while GSData stores acomplete set of graphics state in a FullGraphic object. MobilityDatastores the mobility and graphics state information needed to undo achange in mobility. MoveData stores a horizontal and verticaldistance. VoidData stores a void pointer as a useful alternative toderiving trivially from Data just to store one word of information.


Create a ColorData instance, supplying the PSColor objects it stores.


Create a GSData instance, supplying the Graphic object from which tocopy a complete set of graphics state. The GSData constructor copiesthis information into its _gs member, from whence it can be retrieved later.


Create a MobilityData instance, supplying the mobility and a Graphicobject from which to copy a complete set of graphics state. TheMobilityData constructor copies the graphic into its _gs member, from whence it can be retrieved later.


Create a MoveData instance, supplying two floating point numbers thatnormally represent horizontal and vertical movement.


Create a VoidData instance, supplying a pointer to an object ofunknown type.


Data(3U), Graphic(3U), globals(3U)

24 January 1991 Unidraw