.TH GOSMORE 1 "27 June 2009" .SH NAME gosmore \- Viewer for OpenStreetMap data, with routing and searching .SH SYNONPSIS \fBgosmore\fP [\fBrebuild\fR [minlatitude minlongitude maxlat maxlong] QUERY_STRING="flat=...&flon=...&tlat=...&tlon=...&fast=[01]&v=..." gosmore .SH DESCRIPTION \fBgosmore\fR is a GTK+ application for viewing OpenStreetMap data. It can calculate the fastest route between two points. It can also has incremental search capability and the results are ordered by distance from the current viewpoint. See the wiki page for details on two pass bounding box rebuilding. Note that the binary file format is not yet stable and rebuilding is recommended after upgrading. .SH FILES .TP .I /usr/share/gosmore/elemstyles.xml ~/.gosmore/elemstyles.xml .RS This file determines how each OSM element is rendered and how it affects routing. A list of valid icons cans be found in /usr/share/gosmore/icons.csv .RE .I gosmore.pak .RS The binary data created during rebuild .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \fBQUERY_STRING\fR If this variable is set, gosmore will try to compute the specified route, output the result and then exit (ie. headless query). .SH EXAMPLE .TP wget http://download.cloudmade.com/europe/denmark/denmark.osm.bz2 .TP bzcat denmark.osm.bz2 | gosmore rebuild .TP gosmore .SH SEE ALSO \fBJOSM\fR, \fBgpds\fR \fBnav-it\fR http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gosmore .SH AUTHOR \fBNic Roets \fR with contributions from David Dean and many others.