.TH GCIN-TOOLS 1 "2 FEB 2009" "GCIN 1.4.4" "gcin input method platform" .SH NAME gcin-tools \- configuration tools of gcin .SH SYNOPSIS .B gcin-tools .SH DESCRIPTION .B gcin-tools is the default configuration tool of gcin. Another configuring method is writing conffiles in $HOME/.gcin/config. See CONFFILES section for further information. .SH CONFFILES Those conffiles below will be created automatically by gcin-tools, except gcin-bell-volume and gcin-sound-play-overlap. .PP If you want to write conffiles by yourself, please make sure you have the config directory: .PP mkdir \-p $HOME/.gcin/config .PP After that, you may try: .PP echo zo > $HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-keyboard .PP Thus you make a \fBphonetic-keyboard\fP file with its content \fBzo\fP, which means you select the standard style with 1234 selection method. .PP All available conffiles are listed, and default options are showed \fBbold\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/default-input-method\fP \fInumber\fP" Default input method when gcin is called. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 Chanjei input method, version 3 .br 2 Chanjei input method, version 5 .br 3 Bopomofo input method .br 4 Symbols virtual keyboard .br 5 Pinyin input method .br \fB6 Tsin intelligent Bopomofo input method\fP .br 7 Dayi input method .br 8 Array input method, 30 keys version .br 9 Boshiamy input method, aka Liu's input method .br 10 Direct input for UTF-32 (U+) or Big-5 characters .br 11 Simple Chanjei input method .br 12 Japanese anthy input method .br 13 Greek letters input method .br 14 Latin letters input method .br 15 Jyutping input method .br 16 NewCJ3 input method .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcb-position\fP \fInumber\fP" Disable or enable gcb clipboard manager. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 0 Disable .br 1 Enable, at lower left corner .br 2 Enable, at upper left corner .br 3 Enable, at lower right corner .br \fB4 Enable, at upper right corner\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcb-position-x\fP \fInumber\fP" The X-axis padding of gcb clipboard manager. Default is \fB0\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcb-position-y\fP \fInumber\fP" The Y-axis padding of gcb clipboard manager. Default is \fB0\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-bell-volume\fP \fInumber\fP" Volume of bell ring, between \-100 to 100. Default is \fB-97\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-capslock-lower\fP \fIboolean\fP" Input lower-case letters when Caps Lock key is ON. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-eng-phrase-enabled\fP \fIboolean\fP" Enable Alt-Shift phrases in alphabet-numeric mode. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-flags-im-enabled\fP \fInumber\fP" Available input methods to be cyclic selected by Control-Shift. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB2147483647 All input methods are enabled.\fP .br .PP 2 Ctrl\-Alt\-1 Chanjei input method, version 3 .br 4 Ctrl\-Alt\-2 Chanjei input method, version 5 .br 8 Ctrl\-Alt\-3 Bopomofo input method .br 16 Ctrl\-Alt\-4 Symbols virtual keyboard .br 32 Ctrl\-Alt\-5 Pinyin input method .br 64 Ctrl\-Alt\-6 Tsin intelligent Bopomofo input method .br 128 Ctrl\-Alt\-7 Dayi input method .br 256 Ctrl\-Alt\-8 Array input method, 30 keys version .br 512 Ctrl\-Alt\-9 Boshiamy input method, aka Liu's input method .br 1024 Ctrl\-Alt\-0 Direct input for UTF-32 (U+) or Big-5 characters .br 2048 Ctrl\-Alt\-\- Simple Chanjei input method .br 4096 Ctrl\-Alt\-= Japanese anthy input method .br 8192 Ctrl\-Alt\-` Greek letters input method .br 16384 Ctrl\-Alt\-[ Latin letters input method .br 32768 Ctrl\-Alt\-\] Jyutping input method .br 65536 Ctrl\-Alt\-\\ NewCJ3 input method .PP 2147483647 minus numbers of input methods, then you get the configuration number. For example, to disable Greek and Latin letters, calculate 2147483647 - 8192 - 16384 = 2147459071. .PP echo 2147459071 > $HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-flags-im-enabled .PP Then you get it. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-name\fP \fIstring\fP" Default font. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fBsans Sans-serif\fP .br serif Serif .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of character-selection area. Default is \fB16\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size-gtab-in\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of key codes input area in gtab input methods (Chanjei IM, Array IM, etc.). Default is \fB10\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size-pho-near\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of similar-phonetic character selection in Tsin IM. Default is \fB14\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size-symbol\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of symbol-selection window. Default is \fB12\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size-tsin-pho-in\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of phonetic input area in Bopomofo and Tsin IM. Default is \fB10\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-font-size-tsin-presel\fP \fInumber\fP" Font size of phrase pre-selection window in Tsin IM. Default is \fB16\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-im-toggle-keys\fP \fInumber\fP" Toggle Key for IM window ON/OFF. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB0 Control-Space\fP .br 1 Shift-Space .br 2 Alt-Space .br 3 Windows-Space .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-init-im-enabled\fP \fIboolean\fP" Enable input method mode without pressing toggle keys. This option is not available in XIM mode. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-inner-frame\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show frame border in gcin window. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-input-style\fP \fInumber\fP" Window style of gcin. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 OverTheSpot (Follow the cursor)\fP .br 2 Root (Fixed index window) .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-pop-up-win\fP \fIboolean\fP" Dynamic pop up window. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-remote-client\fP \fIboolean\fP" Use gcin in remote applications. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-root-x\fP \fInumber\fP" Window position in X-axis when window style is Root (Fixed index window). Default is \fB1600\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-root-y\fP \fInumber\fP" Window position in Y-axis when window style is Root (Fixed index window). Default is \fB1200\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-sel-key-color\fP \fIhex\fP" Color of selection Key. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br #FF0000 Red .br #00FF00 Green .br \fB#0000FF Blue\fP .br #FFFF00 Yellow .br #FF00FF Magenta .br #00FFFF Cyan .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-shift-space-eng-full\fP \fIboolean\fP" Toggle to double-wide English character mode with Shift-Space. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-sound-play-overlap\fP \fIboolean\fP" Play all sound when text-to-speech is enabled. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-status-tray\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show gcin status in system tray. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-win-color-bg\fP \fIhex\fP" Background color of gcin window. Default is \fB#005BFF\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-win-color-fg\fP \fIhex\fP" Foreground color of gcin window. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br #FF0000 Red .br #00FF00 Green .br #0000FF Blue .br #FFFF00 Yellow .br #FF00FF Magenta .br \fB#FFFFFF White\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-win-color-use\fP \fIboolean\fP" Customized colors in gcin window. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gcin-win-sym-click-close\fP \fIboolean\fP" Close symbol-selection window after choosing a symbol. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-auto-select-by_phrase\fP \fIboolean\fP" Auto-select according to Tsin phrase database in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-capslock-in-eng\fP \fIboolean\fP" Toggle Chinese/English mode with Caps Lock key in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-disp-im-name\fP \fIboolean\fP" Display input method name in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-disp-key-codes\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show all possible key codes of character in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-disp-partial-match\fP \fIboolean\fP" Display partial matched characters in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-dup-select-bell\fP \fIboolean\fP" Bell ring when multiple selections are available in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-hide-row2\fP \fIboolean\fP" Hide second row of window in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-in-row1\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show key codes in first row of window in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-invalid-key-in\fP \fIboolean\fP" Clear key codes input area when invalid key and Space key are pressed. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-pre-select\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show candidate characters before pressing endkey (Space key). For gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-press-full-auto-send\fP \fIboolean\fP" Auto-send character when key codes input area is filled in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-que-wild-card\fP \fIboolean\fP" Use ? as wildcard. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-shift-phrase-key\fP \fIboolean\fP" Use single Shift key to input Alt-Shift phrases in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-space-auto-first\fP \fInumber\fP" Function of Space Key in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB0 Auto-selected by definition in .gtab file.\fP .br 1 Send first character in Boshiamy input method. .br 2 Send first character in character-selection area. .br 4 Does not send first character. (For Array input method.) .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-unique-auto-send\fP \fIboolean\fP" Auto send characters when there is only one choice in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/gtab-vertical-select\fP \fIboolean\fP" Vertical selection window in gtab input methods. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/left-right-button-tips\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show button tips when mouse cursor stays on gcin window. Default is ON, but it will be turned OFF after \fBgcin-tools\fP is executed. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/pho-hide-row2\fP \fIboolean\fP" Hide second row of window in Bopomofo and Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/pho-in-row1\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show key codes in first row of window in Bopomofo IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-char-dynamic-sequence\fP \fIboolean\fP" Dynamic character sequence adjustment in Bopomofo and Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-huge-tab\fP \fIboolean\fP" Input all Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese characters provided by pho-huge.tab in Bopomofo and Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-keyboard\fP \fIstring\fP" Key codes arrangement style in Bopomofo, Tsin, and Japanese anthy IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br zo Standard style with 1234 selection method .br \fBzo-asdf Standard style with asdf selection method\fP .br et Eten style with 1234 selection method .br et-asdf Eten style with asdf selection method .br et26 Eten 26 keys style with 1234 selection method .br et26-asdf Eten 26 keys style with asdf selection method .br hsu Mr. Hsu's style (Kuo-Yin IM, Natural Bopomofo IM) .br pinyin Phonetic Pinyin style with 1234 selection method .br pinyin-asdf Phonetic Pinyin style with asdf selection method .br dvorak Dvorak style .br ibm IBM style .br mitac Mitac style .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-speak\fP \fIboolean\fP" Enable text-to-speech. You have to install speech data for this feature. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/phonetic-speak-sel\fP \fIstring\fP" Speech data filename for text-to-speech. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-buffer-editing-mode\fP \fIboolean\fP" VI-like editing mode in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-buffer-size\fP \fInumber\fP" Size of buffer (editing area) in Tsin IM. Default is \fB40\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-chinese-english-toggle_key\fP \fInumber\fP" Toggle key for Chinese/English mode in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 Caps Lock key\fP .br 2 Tab key .br 4 Shift key (Not available in XIM mode). .br 8 Left Shift key (Not available in XIM mode). .br 16 Right Shift key (Not available in XIM mode). .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-cursor-color\fP \fIhex\fP" Color of cursor in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br #FF0000 Red .br #00FF00 Green .br \fB#0000FF Blue\fP .br #FFFF00 Yellow .br #FF00FF Magenta .br #00FFFF Cyan .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-phrase-line-color\fP \fIhex\fP" Color of phrase-underline in Tsin IM. Default is \fB#0000FF\fP. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-phrase-pre-select\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show phrase pre-selection window in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 ON\fP .br 0 OFF .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-space-opt\fP \fInumber\fP" Function of Space key in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br \fB1 Select other same phonetic characters.\fP .br 2 Send space to buffer of Tsin IM. .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-tab-phrase-end\fP \fIboolean\fP" Use Escape key or Tab key to stop phrase-auto-selection in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-tail-select-key\fP \fIboolean\fP" Show selection keys follows choices in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .IP "\fB$HOME/.gcin/config/tsin-tone-char-input\fP \fIboolean\fP" Input tone sympols of Bopomofo in Tsin IM. .PP OPTIONS MEANINGS .br 1 ON .br \fB0 OFF\fP .SH SEE ALSO .BR gcin (1)