.TH ftpcloudfs 8 .SH NAME ftpcloudfs \- FTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Object Storage .SH SYNOPSIS .B ftpcloudfs [\fIOPTIONS\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B ftpcloudfs FTP\-CloudFS is an FTP server acting as a proxy to Rackspace Cloud Files or to OpenStack Object Storage (Swift). It allows you to connect via any FTP client to do upload/download or create containers. It supports pseudo\-hierarchical folders/directories as described in the Rackspace Cloud Files API and the OpenStack Object Storage API. .SH OPTIONS .LP \-h, \-\-help .IP show this help message and exit .LP \-p \fIPORT\fR, \-\-port=\fIPORT\fR .IP Port to bind the server default: 2021. .LP \-b \fIBIND_ADDRESS\fR, \-\-bind\-address=\fIBIND_ADDRESS\fR .IP Address to bind by default: .LP \-\-workers=\fIWORKERS\fR .IP Number of workers to use default: 1. .LP \-\-memcache=\fIMEMCACHE\fR .IP Memcache server(s) to be used for cache (ip:port). .LP \-a \fIAUTHURL\fR, \-\-auth\-url=\fIAUTHURL\fR .IP Auth URL for alternate providers(eg OpenStack) .LP \-v, \-\-verbose .IP Be verbose on logging. .LP \-s, \-\-service\-net .IP Connect via Rackspace ServiceNet network. .LP \-f, \-\-foreground .IP Do not attempt to daemonize but run in foreground. .LP \-l \fILOG_FILE\fR, \-\-log\-file=\fILOG_FILE\fR .IP Log File: Default stdout when in foreground .LP \-\-syslog .IP Enable logging to the system logger (daemon facility). .LP \-\-pid\-file=\fIPID_FILE\fR .IP Pid file location when in daemon mode. .LP \-\-uid=\fIUID\fR .IP UID to drop the privilege to when in daemon mode .LP \-\-gid=\fIGID\fR .IP GID to drop the privilege to when in daemon mode .SH AUTHORS "Juan J. Martinez"