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FLICKCURL(1) General Commands Manual FLICKCURL(1)


flickcurl - call Flickr API


flickcurl -a FROB
flickcurl [-d DELAY] [-h] [-o FILE] [-q] [-v] [-V] [commands] ...


flickcurl is a utility program to call the Flickr APIs via the flickcurl library. Run flickcurl -h to get a list of the supported commands and their arguments.

The program requires configuring before use to work with the Flickr APIs. Run flickcurl without any options to get the instructions for registering the application and creating the initial configuration file ~/.flickcurl.conf from the registration information.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Authenticate with a FROB and update the authentication file. The program will exit after updating the file.
Set delay between requests to DELAY milliseconds.
Show summary of options and exit.
Write the results of format feed API calls to FILE
Display less information while the program runs.
Display the version of the program and exit.
Display more information while the program runs.


In the following list of commands:
PER-PAGE is photos per result page or '-' for default (10)
PAGE is result page number or '-' for default (1 = first page)

Get photos commented on by the caller.
Get recent activity on the caller's photos.
Get the credentials attached to an authentication TOKEN.
Get a frob to be used during authentication.
Get the full authentication token for MINI-TOKEN.
Get the auth token for the FROB, if one has been attached.
Get a list of configured blogs for the calling user.
Get a list of blog services.
Post PHOTO-ID to blog BLOG-ID with TITLE, DESCRIPTION and optional password.
Get information on collection COLLECTION-ID
Get tree of collections COLLECTION-ID for USER-ID
Get list of institutions
Get a list of contacts with optional FILTER
Get a list of recent uploading contacts since DATE-LAST-UPLOAD with optional FILTER
Get the contact list for user USER-NSID
Get tagging suggestions
Adds PHOTO-ID to the current user's favorites.
Get context photos around USER-ID's favorite PHOTO-ID.
Get a list of USER-NSID's favorite photos.
Get a list of USER-NSID's favorite public photos.
Removes PHOTO-ID to the current user's favorites.
Add photo PHOTO-ID to galleries GALLERY-ID with TEXT
Create a new gallery with TITLE, DESCRIPTION and PRIMARY-PHOTO_ID.
Get information about GALLERY-ID.
Get list of galleries for a USER-ID with optional paging
Get list of galleries PHOTO-ID appears in with optional paging
Get the list of photos in GALLERY-ID with options.
Get the photo id from a raw flickr farm IMAGE-URL
Browse groups below category CAT-ID (or root).
Get information on group GROUP-ID with language LANG.
Join a group GROUP-ID with optional accepting of rules.
Request to join a group GROUP-ID using MESSAGE and accept rules.
Leave a group GROUP-ID and optionally delete photos.
Get list of MEMBER-TYPES types members of group GROUP-ID.
Add PHOTO-ID in GROUP-ID pool.
Get next and previous photos for PHOTO-ID in GROUP-ID pool.
Get list of groups a user can add to.
Get list of photos in GROUP-ID.
Remove PHOTO-ID from group GROUP-ID.
Search for groups matching TEXT paging PER-PAGE and PAGE.
Get interesting photos with optional parameters
date DATE
extras EXTRAS
per-page PER-PAGE
page PAGE
format FORMAT
Get a list of namespaces with optional PREDICATE
Get a list of unique NAMESPACE and PREDICATE pairs
Get a list of unique predicates optionally by NAMESPACE
Get a list of recent machinetags for NAMESPACE and PREDICATE since ADDED-SINCE
Get a list of unique values for a NAMESPACE and PREDICATE
Create OAuth request token/secret pair and show the authentication URL
Upgrade legacy authentication to OAuth
Verify an OAuth request from `oauth.create'
get the current list of pandas
ask a PANDA for a list of recent public and safe photos
get a user's NSID from their EMAIL address
get a user's NSID from their USERNAME
Get list of groups USER-ID is a member of
Get information about one person with id USER-NSID
Get photos from user USER-NSID with optional parameters
safe-search 1-3
min-upload-date DATE
max-upload-date DATE
min-taken date DATE
max-taken-date DATE
content-type 1-7
privacy-filter 1-5
per-page PER-PAGE
page PAGE
format FORMAT
Get public photos of a user USER-NSID
Get list of public groups a user is a member of
Get public photos for a user USER-NSID
Get calling user upload status
Add a photo comment TEXT to PHOTO-ID.
Delete a photo comment COMMENT-ID.
Edit a photo comment COMMENT-ID to have new TEXT.
Get the comments for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Get the list of photos for user contacts with recent comments
per-page PER-PAGE page PAGE format FORMAT
Delete a PHOTO-ID.
Get the geo location for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Get the geo perms for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Remove the location for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Set the location for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Set the geo perms for a photo PHOTO-ID.
Get all visible sets and pools the PHOTO-ID belongs to.
Get a list of recent photos from the calling users' contacts
Get a list of recent public photos from USER-NSID's contacts
Get next and previous photos for a PHOTO-ID in a photostream.
Get the counts for a set of DATES or TAKEN-DATES.
Get EXIF information about one photo with id PHOTO-ID
Get favourites information about one photo with id PHOTO-ID
Get information about one photo PHOTO-ID with optional SECRET
Get list of photos that are not in any set
Get a photo viewing and commenting permissions
Get list of recent photos
Get sizes of a PHOTO-ID
Get list of photos that are not tagged
Get list of photos that have geo data
Get list of photos that do not have geo data
Get list of available photo licenses
Get photo PHOTO-ID license to LICENSE-ID
Add a note (X, Y, W, H, TEXT) to a photo with id PHOTO-ID
Delete a note with id NOTE-ID
Edit note NOTE-ID to (X, Y, W, H, TEXT)
Mark USER-ID appearing in PHOTO-ID at (X, Y, W, H)
Mark USER-ID as not appearing in PHOTO-ID
Mark USER-ID as not appearing at coordinates in PHOTO-ID
Update USER-ID appearing in PHOTO-ID to coords (X, Y, W, H)
Get list of users appearing in PHOTO-ID
Get list of photos that were recently updated
Remove a tag TAG-ID from a photo.
Search for photos/videos with many optional parameters
user USER
tag-mode any|all
text TEXT
(min|max)-(upload|taken)-date DATE
license LICENSE
privacy PRIVACY
bbox a,b,c,d
sort date-(posted|taken)-(asc|desc)|interestingness-(desc|asc)|relevance
accuracy 1-16
safe-search 1-3
type 1-4
machine-tags TAGS
machine-tag-mode any|all
group-id ID
place-id ID
extras EXTRAS
per-page PER-PAGE
page PAGES
media all|photos|videos
lat LAT lon LON radius RADIUS radius-units km|mi
contacts (all|ff)
format FORMAT
woeid WOEID
geo-context 1-2
Set photo TYPE to one of 'photo', 'screenshot' or 'other'
Set a photo POSTED date, TAKEN date with GRANULARITY
Set a photo viewing and commenting permissions
Set a photo's SAFETY-LEVEL and HIDDEN flag
Set the tags for a PHOTO-ID to TAGS.
Rotate PHOTO-ID by 90/180/270 DEGREES
Get the status of upload TICKET-IDS
Add a comment TEXT to photoset PHOTOSET-ID.
Delete a photoset comment COMMENT-ID.
Edit a photoset comment COMMENT-ID to have new TEXT.
Get the comments for a photoset PHOTOSET-ID.
Create a photoset with TITLE, DESCRIPTION and PRIMARY-PHOTO-ID.
Delete a photoset with PHOTOSET-ID.
Get next and previous photos for PHOTO-ID in PHOTOSET-ID.
Get information about PHOTOSET-ID.
Get the list of photosets for the USER-NSID.
Get the list of photos in PHOTOSET-ID with options.
Set the order of sets PHOTOSET-IDS.
Set photoset PHOTOSET-ID primary photo to PHOTO-ID.
Find places by TEXT query.
Find places by LAT and LON with ACCURACY 1-16.
Find child places with public photos by PLACE-ID or WOE-ID
Find place by PLACE-ID or WOE-ID
Find place by place URL
Get a list of available place types
Get history of shapes for a place by PLACE-ID or WOE-ID
Get the top 100 most geotagged places for a DATE (or yesterday).
Find user places of PLACE-TYPE in bbox.
Find top 100 unique places clustered by a given PLACE-TYPE for a
user's contacts with optional parameters
contacts CONTACTS
min-upload MIN-UPLOAD-DATE
max-upload MAX-UPLOAD-DATE
min-taken MIN-TAKEN-DATE
max-taken MAX-TAKEN-DATE
Find user places of PLACE-TYPE.
Find places information by PLACE-ID or WOE-ID (number).
Find places information by PLACE-URL.
Get tags for a place by PLACE-ID or WOE-ID with optional parameters
min-upload MIN-UPLOAD-DATE
max-upload MAX-UPLOAD-DATE
min-taken MIN-TAKEN-DATE
max-taken MAX-TAKEN-DATE
Get default content type preference for user.
Get default privacy level for geographic info for user.
Get default hidden preference for user.
Get default privacy preference for user.
Get default safety level for user.
Get information about an API method NAME
Get API methods
Replace a photo PHOTO-ID with a new FILE (async)
Get the short uri for PHOTO-ID
Get collection domains stats
Get collection referrers stats
Get collection view count stats
Get photo domains stats
Get photo referrers stats
Get photo view count stats
Get photoset domains stats
Get photoset referrers stats
Get photoset view count stats
Get photostream domains stats
Get photostream referrers stats
Get photostream view count stats
Get popular photos stats
Get total stats
Get list of tag clusters for TAG
Get the list of hot tags for the given PERIOD (day, week)
Get the tag list for a PHOTO-ID.
Get the tag list for a USER-NSID (or current user).
Get the popular tag list for a USER-NSID (or current user).
Get the raw versions of a TAG (or all tags) for the current user.
Get the most frequently used tags for the current user.
Get a list of tags 'related' to TAG based on clustered usage analysis.
Test echo API call; echos KEY VALUE
Test login API call: returns username
Test null API call: no return
Upload a photo FILE with optional parameters PARAM or PARAM VALUE
title TITLE
description DESC
safety_level 'safe' (default) or 'moderate' or 'restricted'
content_type 'photo' (default) or screenshot' or 'other'
hidden 'public' (default) or 'hidden'
tags TAGS... [must be last param]
Get the url of the group page for GROUP-ID.
Get the url of the photo page for USER-NSID.
Get the url of the profile page for USER-NSID.
Get a group NSID from the URL to a group's page or photo pool.
Get a user NSID from the URL to a user's photo

Extras Fields

The EXTRAS parameter can take a comma-separated set of the following values

Date item was taken
Date item was uploaded
Geotagging latitude, longitude and accuracy
Item owner icon fields
Date item was last updated
Item License
Machine tags
Item Format: photo or video
Original item dimensions
Original item secret and format
Item owner ID
Path alias for owner like /photos/USERNAME
Item clean tags (safe for HTML, URLs)
URL of medium 800, 800 on longest size image
URL of small, medium size image
URL of small, 320 on longest side size image
URL of original size image
URL of large square 150x150 size image
URL of small suqare 75x75 size image
URL of square size image
URL of thumbnail, 100 on longest side size image
Number of times item has been viewed

Photos List Feed Formats

The FORMAT parameter can take any of the following values

RSS 1.0
RSS 2.0
Atom 1.0
RSS 2.0 with GeoRSS and W3C Geo for geotagged photos
Atom 1.0 with GeoRSS and W3C Geo for geotagged photos
RSS 1.0 with GeoRSS and W3C Geo for geotagged photos
KML 2.1
KML 2.1 network link




flickcurl was written by David Beckett.

This manual page was written by Kumar Appaiah <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

1 September 2008