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FLEETCTL(1) User Commands FLEETCTL(1)


fleetctl - fleetctl is a command-line interface to fleet, the cluster-wide CoreOS init system.


fleetctl [global options] <command> [command options] [arguments...]





Output the contents of a submitted unit
Destroy one or more units in the cluster
Proxy stdin and stdout to a unix domain socket
Show a list of commands or help for one command
Print the journal of a unit in the cluster to stdout
Enumerate the current hosts in the cluster
List the units that exist in the cluster.
List the current state of units in the cluster
Schedule one or more units in the cluster, first submitting them if necessary.
Open interactive shell on a machine in the cluster
Instruct systemd to start one or more units in the cluster, first submitting and loading if necessary.
Output the status of one or more units in the cluster
Instruct systemd to stop one or more units in the cluster.
Upload one or more units to the cluster without starting them
Unschedule one or more units in the cluster.
DEPRECATED - No longer works
Print the version and exit


Location of TLS CA file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd
Location of TLS cert file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd
Print out more debug information to stderr
Adapter used to execute fleetctl commands. Options include "API" and "etcd".
Location of the fleet API if --driver=API. Alternatively, if --driver=etcd, location of the etcd API.
Keyspace for fleet data in etcd (development use only!)
Print usage information and exit
Print usage information and exit
Location of TLS key file used to secure communication with the fleet API or etcd
File used to store remote machine fingerprints. Ignored if strict host key checking is disabled.
Amount of time in seconds to allow a single request before considering it failed.
Amount of time in seconds to allow for SSH connection initialization before failing.
Username to use when connecting to CoreOS instance.
Verify host keys presented by remote machines before initiating SSH connections.
Establish an SSH tunnel through the provided address for communication with fleet and etcd.
Print the version and exit

Global options can also be configured via upper-case environment variables prefixed with "FLEETCTL_" For example, "some-flag" => "FLEETCTL_SOME_FLAG"

Run "fleetctl help <command>" for more details on a specific command.

September 2015 fleetctl version 0.11.5