.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.3 .nh .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "vnetbuild.conf" "5" "Built 30 Mar 2024" "VNetBuild Reference" "3.1.7" .hy .SH NAME .PP vnetbuild.conf - VNetBuild configuration file .SH SYNOPSIS .IP .nf \f[C] host *ID* dev *DEVICE* [ *ID*/*PAIRDEV* ] [ *IP*/*MASK*... ] ... bridgedev *BRIDGE* [ *DEVICE*... ] [ *IP*/*MASK*... ] ... route *ROUTECMD* ... pre_up *DEVICE* *CUSTOMCMD* ... exec *CUSTOMCMD* ... \&... switch *ID* dev *DEVICE* [ *ID*/*PAIRDEV* ] ... pre_up *DEVICE* *CUSTOMCMD* ... exec *CUSTOMCMD* ... \&... \f[R] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP There is no default configuration file for vnetbuild(1); one must always be specified on the command line. .PP The configuration file defines a set of namespaces that will be operated on. .PP VNetBuild defines two types of namespace, a \f[V]host\f[R] and a \f[V]switch\f[R]. Any number of each may be specified, with any number of configuration statements in each. .TP Note The Linux kernel does not see any difference between a \f[V]host\f[R] and a \f[V]switch\f[R] namespace. VNetBuild provides the distinction to make it easy build full virtual networks. .SH NAMESPACE DEFINITIONS .PP Namespace definitions come in two types, \f[V]host\f[R] and \f[V]switch\f[R]. Simply provide a simple unique alphanumeric \f[I]ID\f[R]. Any subsequent statements apply to this namespace until the next \f[V]host\f[R] or \f[V]switch\f[R] statement. .PP A \f[V]host\f[R] definition is designed to work like a physical machine. It allows you to specify any number of \f[V]dev\f[R] entries for network interfaces, with their IP addresses. You can also define any number of Linux bridges with \f[V]bridgedev\f[R] to add your defined interfaces to. .PP A \f[V]host\f[R] also allows any number of custom \f[V]exec\f[R] commands for extensibility and provides a \f[V]route\f[R] statement to deal with the common case of wanting to add network routes to the host. .PP A \f[V]switch\f[R] definition is designed to work like a physical network switch. It allows you to add any number of \f[V]dev\f[R] entries (and also custom \f[V]exec\f[R] commands for extensibility) but nothing else. .PP In addition, \f[V]dev\f[R] entries in a \f[V]switch\f[R] may only specify device names, they cannot have an IP address associated. A \f[V]switch\f[R] has a bridge automatically created in it and all \f[V]dev\f[R] entries are automatically added to it. .SH CONFIGURATION STATEMENTS .TP dev \f[I]DEVICE\f[R] \&... Define a virtual ethernet device, \f[I]DEVICE\f[R] in a \f[V]host\f[R] or \f[V]switch\f[R]. .RS .PP Devices must exist in pairs. A \f[V]dev\f[R] must first be defined unpaired in a namespace, then some subsequent \f[V]dev\f[R] must define the pair: .IP .nf \f[C] host a dev veth0 host b dev vppp0 a/veth0 \f[R] .fi .PP Any \f[I]DEVICE\f[R] name which is acceptable to the Linux kernel may be used. We recommend sticking to e.g.\ \f[V]veth0\f[R], \f[V]vppp0\f[R] etc. to make it clear that they are virtual and also how you are thinking of the device in terms of your setup. Devices will be created as type \f[V]veth\f[R], irrespective of what you call them. .PP Hosts may optionally specify one or more \f[I]IP\f[R]/\f[I]MASK\f[R] values which will be applied (along with the calculated broadcast address) automatically, e.g.: .IP .nf \f[C] host a dev veth0 host b dev vppp0 a/veth0 \f[R] .fi .PP A \f[V]dev\f[R] may not specify an IP address if it is in a \f[V]switch\f[R]. Switches exist just to tie together multiple devices in hosts, just like a physical network switch. .RE .TP bridgedev \f[I]BRIDGE\f[R] \&... Define an ethernet bridge, \f[I]BRIDGE\f[R] in a \f[V]host\f[R]. These are setup automatically using ip(8) and shown with bridge(8). .RS .PP A bridge can specify network devices from its own namespace to be automatically added, as well as its own IP address(es). .IP .nf \f[C] host a dev veth0 dev veth1 otherns/vdev0 bridgedev vbr0 veth0 veth1 \f[R] .fi .PP Devices included in a bridge generally do not need their own IP address (although that is permitted). .PP Bridges cannot have a pair themselves, but any devices added to a bridge need a pair as usual. .RE .TP route \f[I]ROUTECMD\f[R] Specify an additional network route for a \f[V]host\f[R]. .RS .PP Most commonly to add a default route from hosts on a \[lq]LAN\[rq] to the machine that acts as a gateway, e.g.: .IP .nf \f[C] route default via \f[R] .fi .PP The syntax of \f[I]ROUTECMD\f[R] is anything that can fit this pattern: .IP .nf \f[C] ip route add ROUTECMD \f[R] .fi .PP See ip(8) and ip-route(8) for help adding routes. If you want to do anything more complex than simply adding routes, use the \f[V]exec\f[R] configuration statement. .RE .TP pre_up \f[I]DEVICE\f[R] \f[I]CUSTOMCMD\f[R] Execute custom commands in a \f[V]host\f[R] or \f[V]switch\f[R] just before bringing up the specified device. All of the \f[V]pre_up\f[R] statements for a device are combined and executed in the namespace. .RS .PP In addition to any explicitly defined interfaces, switches have an implicit bridge device called \f[V]switch\f[R] which can also be used in \f[V]pre_up\f[R] commands. .PP Bridges always start after other devices, so to run a command after all everything has been created but before any interfaces are up, you can make use of \f[V]pre_up\f[R] on the first defined \f[V]dev\f[R]. .PP See below for some common uses for custom \f[V]pre_up\f[R] and \f[V]exec\f[R] commands. .RE .TP exec \f[I]CUSTOMCMD\f[R] Execute a custom command in a \f[V]host\f[R] or \f[V]switch\f[R] once the rest of the namespace setup is complete. .RS .PP Once all the namespaces are created, the final step in setting each one up is to have its \f[V]exec\f[R] statements combined and executed. .PP It is roughly the equivalent to writing your own script and executing it after \f[V]vnetbuild start\f[R] has finished: .IP .nf \f[C] sudo ip netns exec myns ./myscript.sh \f[R] .fi .PP See below for some common uses for custom \f[V]pre_up\f[R] and \f[V]exec\f[R] commands. .RE .SH COMMON CUSTOM COMMANDS .PP For the most part it doesn\[cq]t matter whether these commands are used in \f[V]pre_up\f[R] or \f[V]exec\f[R] operations - the only difference is when they will execute, so e.g.\ if you want a firewall in place before any interfaces come up then start it from the \f[V]pre_up\f[R] of the first device. If you only want the firewall after all devices are up, put it in \f[V]exec\f[R], e.g.: .IP .nf \f[C] host myfirewall ... exec firehol myfirewall.conf start \f[R] .fi .PP Forwarding is not enabled by the Linux kernel when a namespace is first created. This can be easily done for any hosts that need to forward traffic: .IP .nf \f[C] host mygateway ... exec echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward \f[R] .fi .PP The \f[V]exec\f[R] operates in the \f[V]mygateway\f[R] namespace so your host is not affected. .PP Bridges are created without STP being enabled. To enable STP to ensure loops are not created, the following can be done: .IP .nf \f[C] host myhost bridgedev vbr0 ... ... pre_up vbr0 echo 2 > /sys/class/net/vbr0/bridge/stp_state switch myswitch ... pre_up switch echo 2 > /sys/class/net/vbr0/bridge/stp_state \f[R] .fi .PP You could also use \f[V]brctl stp vbr0 on\f[R] and \f[V]brctl stp switch on\f[R] instead of setting the values directly. To disable multicast snooping you can use exactly the same method e.g.: .IP .nf \f[C] switch myswitch ... pre_up switch echo 0 > /sys/class/net/switch/bridge/multicast_snooping \f[R] .fi .PP It is possible to run firehol within a namespace to set up custom .PP Logs from network namespaces are not included in the normal system logs. To enable iptables logging you must start an instance of ulogd(8) in the namespace and use \f[I]ULOG\f[R] or \f[I]NFLOG\f[R] logging. For FireHOL, that means set \f[V]FIREHOL_LOG_MODE=ULOG\f[R] or \f[V]FIREHOL_LOG_MODE=NFLOG\f[R]. Note that \f[I]NFLOG\f[R] only works with ulogd version 2. .PP The default configuration for ulogd(8) is \f[V]/etc/ulogd.conf\f[R]. Assuming the default place it will write iptables logs to is \f[V]/var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log\f[R] (otherwise change the \f[V]sed\f[R] command as required), it is simple to set up per-namespace logging: .IP .nf \f[C] host mygateway ... exec sed \[aq]s:/var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log:/var/log/ulog/mygateway.log:\[aq] /etc/ulogd.conf > $NSTMP/ulogd.conf exec /usr/sbin/ulogd -d -c $NSTMP/ulogd.conf \f[R] .fi .PP The \f[V]-d\f[R] flag to ulogd(8) makes it become a daemon; when \f[V]vnetbuild stop\f[R] executes it will automatically kill any programs running in the namespaces is is stopping, which includes the logging daemon. .PP The configuration file will get cleaned as soon as \f[V]vnetbuild start\f[R] is finished. To be able to access such files you need to write them to a location not under \f[V]$NSTMP\f[R] or create them outside the \f[V]vnetbuild\f[R] configuration altogether. .SH EXAMPLE .PP A simple LAN arrangement with two hosts, one of which is a gateway to third host: .IP .nf \f[C] host host01 dev veth0 dev vppp0 exec echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward route default via host host02 dev veth0 route default via switch lan dev d01 host01/veth0 dev d02 host02/veth0 host extern01 dev veth0 host01/vppp0 route default via exec echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward \f[R] .fi .SH LIMITATIONS .PP When created, the namespaces setup by \f[V]vnetbuild\f[R] are completely disconnected from any real network. There is no way of defining such a connection in the \f[V]vnetbuild\f[R] configuration as allowing it would lead to conflicts with the normal network setup tools and configuration files in most distributions. .PP It is possible to arrange your network so you can connect real devices into one or more network namespaces. For the general approach see this mailing list post (http://lists.firehol.org/pipermail/firehol-support/2015-April/003043.html). .SH SEE ALSO .IP \[bu] 2 vnetbuild(1) - VNetBuild program .IP \[bu] 2 FireHOL Website (http://firehol.org/) .IP \[bu] 2 VNetBuild Online PDF Manual (http://firehol.org/vnetbuild-manual.pdf) .IP \[bu] 2 VNetBuild Online Documentation (http://firehol.org/documentation/) .IP \[bu] 2 ip(8) (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/ip.8.html) - show/manipulate network devices .IP \[bu] 2 ip-route(8) (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/ip-route.8.html) - routing table management .IP \[bu] 2 bridge(8) (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/bridge.8.html) - routing table management .IP \[bu] 2 ulogd(8) (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/ulogd.8.html) - netfilter/iptables logging daemon .SH AUTHORS FireHOL Team.