.\" .TH FastQTL "1" "March 2016" "2.184" .SH NAME FastQTL \- Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapper in cis for molecular phenotypes .SH SYNOPSIS .B fastQTL [\fIoptions\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The goal of FastQTL is to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which are significantly associated with various molecular phenotypes (i.e. expression of known genes, cytosine methylation levels, etc). It performs scans for all possible phenotype-variant pairs in cis (i.e. variants located within a specific window around a phenotype). FastQTL implements a new permutation scheme (Beta approximation) to accurately and rapidly correct for multiple-testing at both the genotype and phenotype levels. .SH OPTIONS .SS Basic options .TP \fB\-\-help\fR .br Print help about options. .TP \fB\-\-silent\fR Silent mode on terminal. .TP \fB\-\-seed\fR arg (=1459232241) Random number generator seed. Useful to replicate runs of the software. .SS Input and Output files options .TP \fB\-L, \-\-log\fR Screen output is copied in this file. .TP \fB\-V, \-\-vcf\fR Genotypes in VCF format. .TP \fB\-B, \-\-bed\fR Phenotypes in BED format. .TP \fB\-C, \-\-cov\fR Covariates in TXT format. .TP \fB\-G, \-\-grp\fR Phenotype groups in TXT format. .TP \fB\-O, \-\-out\fR Output file. .SS Exclusion and Inclusion files options .TP \fB\-\-exclude\-samples\fR List of samples to exclude. .TP \fB\-\-include\-samples\fR List of samples to include. .TP \fB\-\-exclude\-sites\fR List of sites to exclude. .TP \fB\-\-include\-sites\fR List of sites to include. .TP \fB\-\-exclude\-phenotypes\fR List of phenotypes to exclude. .TP \fB\-\-include\-phenotypes\fR List of phenotypes to include. .TP \fB\-\-exclude\-covariates\fR List of covariates to exclude. .TP \fB\-\-include\-covariates\fR List of covariates to include. .SS Parameters .TP \fB\-\-normal\fR To perform quantile normalization on the phenotype quantifications to make them normally distributed. Implemented as the rntransform function of the GenABEL package. .TP \fB\-W, \-\-window\fR Cis-window size. Default values is 1Mb (1e6). It means that all variants within 1e6 bp of the phenotype location (e.g. TSS) is analyzed. .TP \fB\-T, \-\-threshold\fR To filter out all phenotype-variant pairs with a p-value above the specified threshold in the output of a nominal pass. .SS Modes .TP \fB\-P, \-\-permute\fR Permutation pass to calculate corrected p-values for molecular phenotypes. .TP \fB\-\-psequence\fR Permutation sequence. .TP \fB\-\-map\fR Map best QTL candidates per molecular phenotype. .TP \fB\-\-map\-full\fR Scan full cis-window to discover independent signals. .TP \fB\-\-interaction\fR Test for interactions with variable specified in file. .SS Parallelization .TP \fB\-K, \-\-chunk\fR Specify which chunk needs to be processed. .TP \fB\-\-commands\fR Generates all commands. .TP \fB\-R, \-\-region\fR Region of interest. .SH EXAMPLE for c in $(seq 1 256); do .br \fBfastQTL\fR \fB--vcf\fR genotypes.vcf.gz .br \fB--bed\fR phenotypes.bed.gz .br \fB--chunk\fR $c 256 .br \fB--permute\fR 1000 .br \fB--out\fR results.$c\.txt.gz .br done .br zcat results.*.txt.gz | gzip -c > fastqtl_expected_output.txt.gz .br .SH SEE ALSO .BR http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/ .SH AUTHOR FastQTL was written by Olivier Delaneau, Halit Ongen, Alfonso Buil and Manolis Dermitzakis. .PP This manual page was written by Dylan Aïssi , for the Debian project (but may be used by others).